
Wieler was a Human admiral who served in the Republic Navy during the Clone Wars. In 22 BBY, Wieler and their battle group, including Wieler's flagship, the Star Destroyer Resilient, were paired with Jedi Generals Kit Fisto, Plo Koon, and Tauht. The task force was ordered to free the planet Khorm, in order to obtain the valuable agrocite mineral that was found there.

Using a weather-control station, the Separatist forces prevented the Republic from sending more reinforcements to the planet, leaving Wieler to set up a blockade of Khorm. Sometime later, a Separatist ship piloted by the Dark Jedi Asajj Ventress broke through the blockade and was able to reach the surface, despite Wieler's attempts to stop it. Later, the Jedi were able to destroy the weather-control station, allowing Wieler to send in more reinforcements, which helped the Republic to win the battle.


Wieler was a Human who lived during the waning years of the Galactic Republic. During the Clone Wars, Wieler served in the Republic Navy as an admiral on their flagship, the Venator-class Star Destroyer Resilient. In 22 BBY, Wieler's fleet was dispatched to free the planet Khorm from Separatist control and secure the valuable agrocite mineral deposits found on the world. The Republic ground forces were led by Jedi Generals Plo Koon, Kit Fisto, and Tauht, while Wieler was in command of the Republic Navy task force in orbit above Khorm. The Separatists, however, had built a weather-control station, which created a storm in the atmosphere of Khorm, preventing the Republic from using air support. Nevertheless, the Republic ground forces were able to land, and the Jedi-led clone troopers soon captured an enemy agrocite processing facility.

Wieler's forces in orbit above Khorm

Wieler's forces in orbit above Khorm

Meanwhile, the Separatist Dark Jedi Asajj Ventress arrived in orbit above Khorm in her starship, the Trident, to assist the Confederate ground forces. Wieler contacted Koon and ordered two V-19 Torrent starfighters to prevent the Trident from making it to the planet. However, the storm opened for Ventress' ship to pass but immediately closed when the Republic fighters went in, and both fighters were destroyed. Wieler contacted Koon via a hologram and told the Jedi Master that the storm had recovered to full strength and that the atmospheric distortion was close to the Jedi's primary objective: the main Separatist base. After a while, the Jedi were able to destroy the weather-control station, and Wieler immediately dispatched reinforcements to the planet, which rescued the Republic forces from being routed. Although the Republic had taken severe losses, they were able to win the battle and secure the agrocite mines.

Personality and traits

Wieler had brown hair, brown eyes, and light skin. Wieler was passionate about preventing Ventress from reaching the planet and sent fighters after her ship, though they were unsuccessful in stopping her. Wieler gave the Jedi officers a brief statement when Ventress broke the blockade, and the information about the atmospheric distortion was helpful for the ground forces.


Wieler wore a uniform consisting of a gray-green double-breasted shirt, tan pants, brown boots, and a brown belt with pouches on it. They also wore a brown plaque and commanded the Venator-class Star Destroyer Resilient.

Behind the scenes

Wieler first appeared in the seventh issue of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars comic series. The issue was written by Henry Gilroy and Steven Melching, and illustrated by Scott Hepburn, and released on July 15, 2009.






