Jad Bean

Under the Empire

Jad Bean as a Death Star Trooper onboard the battlestation.

Jad Bean as a Death Star Trooper onboard the battlestation.

At some point during the Imperial Era, Bean joined the Imperial Navy as a Death Star Trooper, at some point earning the nickname "Scorch". By 4 ABY, Bean served onboard the second Death Star and was stationed in the Overbridge, where he was in charge of raising and lowering the deflector shield to allow oncoming ships to dock, as he did with Darth Vader's shuttle when he visited the Death Star to reprimand Moff Tiaan Jerjerrod for his slow progress on the battlestation's construction. During the Battle of Endor against the Rebel Alliance, Bean was in the room alongside Jerjerrod and Lieutenant Endicott, stationed at a work station containing the Superlaser firing switch.

After Jerjerrod was ordered by Emperor Palpatine to begin targeting Rebel ships with the superlaser and the gunners had primed the weapon, Jerjerrod signaled to Bean to fire. Bean reacted to Jerjerrod's command, and the battle station began firing on the Rebel Navy, destroying the MC80 Star Cruiser Liberty and the MC80A Home One Type Heavy Star Cruiser Nautilian. Bean was forced to stop firing when the Rebels began attacking the Imperials at point-blank range, in order to prevent the Imperials from destroying any Rebel ships without destroying their own.

At some point towards the end of the battle, Bean escaped the Death Star and avoided being obliterated when the Rebels caused the battlestation to explode.

Serving the First Order

Jad Bean during the Siege of D'Qar

Jad Bean during the Siege of D'Qar

Bean eventually joined the First Order, a successor military junta of the Empire. Now a First Order TIE Fighter Pilot, he rose to the rank of commander and served as Zeta Leader of Zeta Squadron, a starfighter squadron in the First Order military.

Concurrently, Bean also served as a flight instructor in the First Order. He participated in the Siege of D'Qar against the Resistance in 34 ABY, leading his squadron of TIE/fo space superiority fighters against the Resistance's MG-100 StarFortress SF-17 heavy bombers.

Personality and traits

During the Battle of Endor, Jad Bean did not hesitate to follow Jerjerrod's orders of firing the superlaser of the second Death Star. Years later, Bean had risen through the ranks and taught pilots. While serving the First Order, Bean was extremely fanatical to the Order's principles, even by the standards of First Order pilots.

Behind the scenes

Jad Bean first appeared in the 1983 original trilogy film . In canon, he was first identified in the 2019 reference book TIE Fighter Owners' Workshop Manual.


  • Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures GameTIE/fo Fighter Expansion Pack
  • Star Wars Helmet Collection 34
  • Star Wars: X-Wing Second EditionFirst Order Conversion Kit
  • TIE Fighter Owners' Workshop Manual
  • Star Wars: X-Wing Second EditionFury of the First Order Squadron Pack






