Heldi Cerebron

Heldi Cerebron was one of the three leaders of the anarchic dark side cult known as the Final Occultation. Between 40 BBY and 32 BBY, the trio and many of their followers were detained and placed on a transport to be taken to a prison planet; however, they overthrew their captors and left the starship floating in space while they began a summoning ceremony to open a rift of madness.

When the Sith apprentice Darth Maul arrived on the ship to recapture Cerebron and the others, he discovered many of the ship's crew afflicted by spores that Cerebron had released. He then encountered the cultist herself, who used the spores to affect the mind of the Sith as well. Despite seeing chaotic visions, Maul called upon his training and was able to hurl his lightsaber at Cerebron, killing her.

Foe of the Sith

Heldi Cerebron incapacitated the prison ship's crew with spores.

Heldi Cerebron incapacitated the prison ship's crew with spores.

Heldi Cerebron was an alien member of the dark side cult known as the Final Occultation and served as one of its three leaders alongside fellow cultists Vasik Aldritch and a being that referred to themself as an "emissary of chaos." The cult wished for anarchy and was aided by chaotic forces that flowed from the Netherworld of the Force.

The group learned of the Sith Lord Darth Sidious and his apprentice Darth Maul and coveted their power, wishing to expose the pair; however, before they could, the three leaders and many other members of the cult were detained—at great cost to the arresting officers—and placed on a transport to be taken to a prison planet at some point between 40 BBY and 32 BBY. Once imprisoned, they began a summoning ceremony on the vessel that would cause the ship's hypermatter particles to open a rift to madness rather than jumping to hyperspace.

First to fall

Heldi Cerebron inflicted visions on Darth Maul.

Heldi Cerebron inflicted visions on Darth Maul.

After the transport jumped to lightspeed, the Final Occultation members overthrew their captors, leaving the starship floating unresponsive in space. Cerebron left many of the ship's crew red-eyed on the floor with bleeding from their mouths and noses through spores she emitted. After attempts to hail the ship resulted only in footage of the emissary of chaos being sent in response, Sidious dispatched Maul to re-capture Cerebron and the other cultists for interrogation. Upon arriving on the transport, Maul was nearly overcome by a disordered ether and soon sensed Cerebron's spores in the air as he encountered many of the transport's incapacitated crew. One of the crew reached out and begged Maul for help, claiming Cerebron was in all the crews' heads.

Cerebron then floated down the corridor toward Maul as the crewmember continued crying out, reaching out her arm and beginning to affect Maul's mind as well. The Sith witnessed visions of a great tentacled figure trying to eat him, with both Cerebron and Sidious also present, but called upon his Sith training to focus upon order over chaos and overcome Cerebron's influence.

Heldi Cerebron was bisected by Darth Maul's lightsaber.

Heldi Cerebron was bisected by Darth Maul's lightsaber.

This enabled Maul to hurl his lightsaber at Cerebron, bisecting the alien vertically and killing her. With her spores and influence ended, Maul and the crew member recovered. Without further aiding the crew member, Maul then continued his mission and killed Aldritch before eliminating the remaining cult members and stopping the summoning ritual by crashing the ship into a nearby ice planet to destroy them entirely. Upon reporting their demise to Sidious, Maul claimed that whatever chaos Cerebron and the others had shared with him would remained buried on the frozen world.

Personality and traits

Heldi Cerebron had the ability to affect others' minds and cause bleeding in her victims through rotten-tasting spores released from two holes beneath her large, exposed brain. She floated when moving and was red in color, belonging to a species with many tendrils at the base of their torsos as well as at the end of their two arms.

Behind the scenes

Heldi Cerebron first appeared, and was identified, in the first issue of the 2024 comic anthology miniseries Star Wars: Darth Maul – Black, White & Red. The issue was written by Benjamin Percy, illustrated by Stefano Raffaele, and published by Marvel Comics on April 24, 2024. Prior to the release of the comic, Cerebron was pictured in a preview of the issue released on StarWars.com on March 20 of the same year.



