Unidentified ice planet (Darth Maul)

An ice-covered planet covered in rocky mountains and plains was located in the galaxy. The world had a breathable atmosphere and a frigid, snowy climate. Sometime between 40 BBY and 32 BBY a prison ship en route to a prison planet became overrun by prisoners affiliated with the Final Occultation cult, and the prison ship remained floating adrift above the ice planet.

During this time, the Sith Lord Darth Sidious saw the opportunity to send his apprentice Darth Maul to travel to the ship and eliminate the Final Occultation, whom Sidious saw as adversaries. After landing his modified Star Courier Scimitar in one of the ship's hangars, the hangar's airlock was deactivated and the Scimitar was sucked into the vacuum of space. Maul was eventually able to turn the airlock back on, and then used his ship's autopilot to maneuver it to the ice planet for pick-up later. After his mission, Maul escaped the ship in an escape pod and landed on the planet below. The prison ship itself began to tumble towards the planet, and crash landed on its surface. Maul briefly contacted his master and piloted his ship away from the world.

The ice planet appeared in the first issue of Star Wars: Darth Maul – Black, White & Red, written by Benjamin Percy, illustrated by Stefano Raffaele, and published on April 24, 2024.

Behind the scenes

The ice planet appeared in the first issue of Star Wars: Darth Maul – Black, White & Red, written by Benjamin Percy, illustrated by Stefano Raffaele, and published on April 24, 2024.



