Havoc at the Accretion Disco

Once the crew arrived at the station, they were brought before Sampak in a club, who was unimpressed with the crew, particularly Tasu Leech, who the gangster speculated could be a Nar Kanji assassin. After T'onga defended Leech, she pointed out a number of real assassins that had crashed the party. The assassins then opened fire on the Pykes, and T'onga's crew responded by protecting Sampak and his underling, with Bossk putting a table in front of them for cover. T'onga sent 4-LOM and Zuckuss to take out the assassins on the club's upper level, which they successfully did. With the path clear, T'onga had Leech take Sampak and his underling to a safe room. When they arrived at the room, however, they were confronted by a number of assassins. The lead assassin recognized Leech due to his fighting style, that they were both from Nar Kanji, and tried to remind Leech of where his loyalties should lie: with them and not the Pykes. Leech responded that he did not fight for the Pykes, but for his crew and friends, to which the assassin said they were not his real friends and warned Leech that they would eventually turn on him. The assassin then revealed the reason for why the Kanji had tried to kill Sampak: that he had ordered the bombing of a fight school, which killed students as they slept, and asked Leech if he felt that was honor. The assassin then questioned Leech as to what kind of friends would make him side with an individual like Sampak just for money, before finishing that they would be waiting for Leech when he realized that he was wrong, before the assassins left.

With the assassins gone, Sampak praised Leech for stepping up, but Leech instead stabbed and killed Sampak for the bombings. Not long after, T'onga and the rest of the crew made their way to the safe room to collect their payment from Sampak as the last of the assassins were being dealt with by the Pykes, though when they arrived, they discovered what Leech had done. In response, to Leech's killing of Sampak, the Pykes then attempted to kill the crew.









