Hallan Krintu


Born in 65 BBY, Hallan Krintu joined the Jedi Order in approximately 41 BBY. Krintu became a Jedi Knight of the Galactic Republic, largely serving in the Exploration Corps. During his time as a Jedi, Krintu lost his right leg to a rancor, eventually having it replaced with a cybernetic.

Krintu took Yigan Lam as his Padawan around the start of the Clone Wars, doing his best to train her despite the ongoing conflict. The master and apprentice fought together in several battles involving clone soldiers and additionally inspected clone training programs. In 21 BBY, Krintu and Lam were sent as part of a delegation to Kamino to observe and evaluate a simulation chamber, an advanced training facility that could replicate terrain and climate conditions to assist in the creation of combat exercises for clone troopers. The pair were joined by Senator Tas Gallin, Gallin's aide Zinn Kudri, veteran clone troopers Red and Hawk, and six other officials from a variety of species and agencies.

The group was greeted by Kaminoan training administrator Kama Te just as a group of Republic traders was leaving. Administrator Te, proud of the simulation chamber and eager to show it off, guided the officials to a control room for a demonstration. Groups of both clone troopers and B1 training droids entered the chamber and were promptly provided equipment by an A-A3 Dray light speeder truck as the delegates look on with interest. On Te's signal, Kaminoan technicians activated the chamber's climate and terrain simulation systems, creating an arctic wasteland. Te signaled again, activating the battle droids and the to begin the exercise.

As each side was ready to launch its primary assault, a deafening boom resounded throughout the chamber. The simulated river banks shifted drastically and floor plates sheared in a manner similar to a groundquake, sending clones into icy cold water that drained into the maintenance chamber below. Amongst rushing waves and tearing metal, the clones and the droids ceased their conflict. Alarms and warning lights flared and tactical holoprojectors failed, stunning Administrator Te and the techs. With the chamber in ruin, both the B1 battle droids and the turrets then resumed their attack, turning on their observers. Krintu and his allies eliminated the droid threat before responding to the disaster.

Right as the situation was getting under control, the rivers shot upwards, a large avalanche began to form, and the floor plates surrounding the control center collapsed as its energy shield disappeared, the avalanche heading right for the vulnerable area. With the barrier down, Krintu and his fellow delegates acted to reactivate the shields, protect themselves from the avalanche, and rescue trapped clones using the facility's two speeder trucks. The damaged flooring and walls revealed crossed wires, power scramblers, and rerouted ducts, indicating sabotage.

The group assisted in further rescue operations. The chamber became still and calm only to be rocked by an explosion, throwing a floor panel into the air and kicking up vision–obscuring snow. Elite, fully–functional droids emerged from the snow and out of bounds of the simulation, lumbering forward to target Krintu and the others as the saboteur, Separatist Kaj Loomit, revealed himself, crying out against the Republic. Loomit also utilized the remaining turret droids, attempting to ensure the exercise ended in failure as an embarrassment to the Republic that would cripple the war effort.

The Kaminoans identified Loomit to Krintu and company as one of the Republic traders and a trusted member of the facility's development who operated its training droids. Loomit's droid forces, consisting of reprogrammed training unit and actual battle droids he brought with him, focused on Krintu's allies as opposed to the Kaminoans and other members of the delegation. Loomit attempted to capture the civilians and persuade them to abandon the Republic in favor of the Separatist cause.

Krintu's team, faced with turrets, B-2 super battle training droids, and C-8 saboteur droids, fought alongside the clone trainees. They ultimately defeated Loomit and his battle droids. The group then discovered Loomit's datapad, which indicated a network of further sabotage set to occur within the next few days.

Personality and traits

A male Rutian Twi'lek with a robust build, Hallan Krintu stood at 1.7 meters, possessed green eyes, and did not have any hair. Krintu greatly enjoyed discoveries and promoting Jedi ideology. The Jedi Knight was fascinated with the cloning process, eager to understand how his clone troopers came to be. Krintu fought for galactic peace and was consumed with ending the Clone Wars in order to restore that peace.

Powers and abilities

Krintu was Force-sensitive and could call upon the Force to restrain enemies or to enhance his own athletic abilities. Though he lacked skills as a fighter, Krintu could parry and reflect attacks with his lightsaber.


Hallan Krintu carried a blue–bladed lightsaber powered by an Ilum kyber crystal. He also wore Jedi Commander armor covered by brown robes. Krintu's Jedi utility belt included three days' worth of food capsules, an emergency medpac, a lightsaber maintenance kit, a small glow rod, a comlink, and an aquata breather. Krintu additionally carried one stimpack and fifty credits. After losing his right leg to a rancor, Krintu had it replaced with a cybernetic.

Behind the scenes

Hallan Krintu appears in Fantasy Flight Games' roleplaying adventure Begun, The Clone Wars Have!, released exclusively for attendees of GenCon in 2019.


  • Rise of the Separatists



