Governor's Mesa

The Governor's Mesa was a location in the capital city of the planet Desix, Desix City. The ancient Desix Bell Tower was built on top of the mesa, providing a strategic location for Governor Tawni Ames's residence.

In early 18 BBY, Governor Ames announced her planet's independence from the Galactic Empire, taking newly appointed Imperial Governor Grotton hostage in the bell tower. This prompted an immediate response from the Imperial Military, with Vice Admiral Edmon Rampart tasking Clone Commander Crosshair and Clone Marshal Commander Cody to lead a rescue squad and infiltrate the Governor's Mesa to retrieve the hostages. Despite the Desix air strike team shooting down their Nu-class attack/transport shuttle and the team sustaining heavy casualties, Cody and Crosshair successfully reached Ames and Grotton and executed the rogue Governor to install Imperial rule on the planet.


  • Star Wars: Dawn of Rebellion: The Visual Guide



