Desix Bell Tower

The Desix Bell Tower was a structure located in a city on the planet Desix close to the city square.


The tower was the largest structure in Desix City, surrounded by high walls and a main gate. The structure itself contained a large dome at the top where the upper floor was. The tower consisted of two floors. The lower one was mostly empty except for minimal furniture. A staircase connected to the second floor, which had a viewport that overlooked much of the city.


At some point during the Imperial Era, Governor Grotton arrived at the city where he met the current governor, Tawni Ames, at the entrance to the tower. With the Galactic Empire not recognizing Desix's independence from the government and instead trying to replace Ames as governor, Grotton was held hostage by the Separatist holdout.

This resulted in the mission to Desix, where a squad led Commander CC-2224 "Cody" was sent to extract Grotton. Cody led CT-9904 "Crosshair," "Wyler," and "Nova" into the city after the team was split up. As they approached, Grotton, who was originally being kept hostage on the first level, was moved to the second level. When the team infiltrated the tower, they were met with strong opposition, but Cody and Crosshair survived and managed to reach to the second floor and kill the T-series tactical droid. There they confronted Ames, who held Grotton at blasterpoint. Cody convinced her to let Grotton go, promising that he would help reach a peaceful resolution with her. However, immediately after being released, Grotton ordered Cody to kill her. Unable to, Crosshair instead killed her and Grotton ordered the clones to hang her body at the city square.



