Gar Tafeed

Gar Tafeed was an individual who talked with Perrin Fertha, the husband of Senator Mon Mothma, at an event in 5 BBY. He and Fertha discussed Mothma, who was also present at the event, during the conversation. When Mothma and Fertha later flew home through the night sky of the planet Coruscant, Fertha told Mothma that Tafeed knew more about what she was doing than he did, asking her about a new foundation that she had recently set up.

Gar Tafeed was mentioned in "The Axe Forgets," the fifth episode of the first season of the live-action Disney+ series Andor, released on October 5, 2022.

Behind the scenes

Gar Tafeed was mentioned in "The Axe Forgets," the fifth episode of the first season of the live-action Disney+ series Andor, released on October 5, 2022.



