Galactic Solutions Industries

Galactic Solutions Industries (GSI) was a weapons manufacturing company that was founded by inventor and business tycoon Addalar Hyland as the Galactic War broke out between the Galactic Republic and the reconstituted Sith Empire. A neutral corporation, GSI dealt weapons to both governments, and frequently hired various individuals to aid its many research divisions in their efforts to develop new weapons technologies and military gear. The company was still in business during the New Sith Wars, a conflict between the Republic and the Sith over two thousand years after GSI's founding, and the company's disruptor pistols were favorites of a soldier named Dessel in the Sith Brotherhood of Darkness.


Galactic Solutions Industries was a weapons-manufacturing company that was founded by Addalar Hyland, a well-known inventor and business tycoon, around the year 3642 BBY as the Galactic War broke out between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. Based in the GSI Headquarters on the Promenade on the moon Nar Shaddaa, GSI soon became a popular source of weaponry, and the company's first product—the GSI-B4 blaster pistol—was praised for its impressive firepower compared to its small size as an easily concealed holdout weapon. As war resumed, GSI remained neutral and did business with both the Republic and the Empire, and it often recruited various combatants on planets across the galaxy to aid in the company's research. GSI maintained a number of weapons research divisions, including their Animal Weaponization, Biodesign, Metallurgical, Natural Weapons, Starfighter, and Superweapons Divisions. Employees of the company typically wore GSI's colors of white, orange, and light blue.

On the planet Alderaan, GSI's Natural Weapons Division sought to acquire technology in Alderaan's weather towers that could aid in the construction of a "Weather Dominator" prototype, and because the rights to the technology were in dispute, the company recruited various individuals to acquire scans of the towers so that they could reverse-engineer the technology. GSI also fitted several red thrantas, flying creatures native to Alderaan, with GSI technology to gather data on troop deployments in the ongoing Alderaan Civil War, and recruited various individuals to retrieve the data. The independent intelligence operative known as the Shroud hired a slicer to steal GSI weapons technology from the company's databanks, and the company traced the perpetrator to one of the Great Houses of Alderaan's communications networks, so GSI hired individuals to monitor the networks in order to locate and defeat the thief. The company's Recovery Division then reacquired the technology from the dead thief.

Upon learning that Czerka Corporation had buried radioactive waste on Alderaan years earlier instead of following proper disposal protocols in order to save money, GSI initiated orbital scans of the planet to locate the waste as it was a potential fuel source. When the company learned that the native Killiks had built nests over the dump sites, GSI hired several individuals to retrieve the waste barrels from the area, and the company's Starfighter Division made use of the barrels to power new designs. The Killiks' hive mind also drew the interest of GSI, as the hive mind produced hybrid weapons using the collective knowledge of dozens of individuals from various civilizations. As a result, the company hired several individuals to retrieve those weapons from where they were buried underneath Killik ruins on Alderaan.

GSI Headquarters on Nar Shaddaa

GSI Headquarters on Nar Shaddaa

The ice planet Hoth possessed a unique combination of electromagnetic fields and gravitational pull that often caused starships to crash on its surface, and GSI's Natural Weapons Division employed outside aid in examining the wreckage across the planet in hopes of reverse-engineering the circumstances in which the ships crashed. The White Maw pirates stole sensitive research from GSI's Superweapons Division, but the pirates crashed on their return to Hoth, leading GSI to hire several individuals to retrieve the data from the crash site. The crash site of the Ambria's Fury drew the company's attention when it was discovered that leaking radiation had mutated the ship's durasteel into what they believed could be a material useful in the construction of thermonuclear weaponry, and GSI hired a number of individuals to retrieve samples from the heavily irradiated ship.

A starship of unknown origin that was discovered frozen underneath ice spires drew the attention of the company, which hired individuals to recover components of the vessel for their Starfighter Division. GSI also sought to acquire samples of embersteel, a metallic compound that formed when metallic ores were melted by lava vents, warped by Hoth's electromagnetic fields, and then instantly cooled by Hoth's icy temperatures. The company therefore hired a number of individuals to search near the active mini-volcanoes that lined the floor of the Glacial Fissure on Hoth, as they suspected embersteel could be useful in the construction of plasma cannons.

When a meteoroid broke up over the desert planet of Tatooine, GSI's orbital sensors detected the energy signature of a particularly dense and rare variant of the material phobium, leading the company to hire individuals to locate and scan the fragments in order to determine whether the fragments could be useful in the construction of fuel cells. A shipment of starfighter repair droids was lost on Tatooine when it was scavenged by the local Jawas, and because of sandstorm activity in the area, the company hired individuals to pinpoint Jawa sandcrawlers so that GSI could send retrieval units. GSI's Animal Weaponization Division sought outside help in recovering eggs from Tatooine's native krayt dragon, the largest and most feared creature in Tatooine's entire ecosystem, so that they could potentially clone the creatures and conduct tests in laboratory settings. The company advised the searchers to look for larvae, which fed on the nutrients from krayt dragon egg fossils.

GSI also sought to develop portable moisture vaporators for use in military settings, and they therefore hired various individuals to take detailed scans of the the scaled-down vaporators used by Tatooine's settlers in cliff and mesa settlements across the planet. However, one of GSI's battle droid prototypes was stolen by a thief on Tatooine, and because the thief was using to hide the droid's location, GSI sought outside aid in locating and destroying the droid so that the company's technology was not copied.

When the Hutt Cartel conquered the remote world of Makeb in 3638 BBY, GSI began investigating the planet for potential research opportunities, and the company hired various individuals to scan the advanced transmission towers around the Sanctuary research complex on Makeb so that they could replicate the technology. GSI's Metallurgical Division sought to procure samples of the metal used in the Hutt Cartel's advanced isotope-5 droids, an alloy that consisted of rare metals only found in the caverns of Makeb's volcanic mesas. The company accordingly hired individuals to recover samples of the metals from the caverns so that they could use the alloy for their own battle droids and weapons. GSI also sought to acquire the schematics for the isotope-5 droids, leading them to hire various individuals to retrieve the schematics from Cartel-allied mercenaries on Makeb.

Makeb's proclivity towards severe groundquakes saw scientists try to create a system of subterranean vibration emitters that were intended to cancel out seismic tremors, and though the project failed, GSI believed that they could turn the devices into weapons that would cause groundquakes, so the company hired various individuals to locate and excavate the emitters. Makeb's makrin creeper interested GSI's Biodesign Division, which recruited several individuals to retrieve makrin —the casings in which the tree-like makrin develops underground—so that they could research the creation of damage-resistant wilderness gear. Those individuals who completed multiple assignments for GSI were qualified for the company's Valued Partner Initiative, which rewarded individuals with discounts and access to special items. The company still existed several thousand years later by the end of the New Sith Wars, a conflict between the Republic and various Sith factions.


A number of GSI products on display at the company's headquarters

A number of GSI products on display at the company's headquarters

Galactic Solutions Industries was primarily a weapons manufacturer, and its first product was the critically praised GSI-B4 blaster pistol. The company also branched out into a wide variety of weapon technologies, from biological weapons and battle droids to starfighters and superweapons, and GSI also developed and manufactured military support technology such as advanced fuel cells and portable vaporators. By the time of the New Sith Wars, two of GSI's products were the GSI-21D and GSI-24D disruptor pistols. Dessel, a sergeant in the Gloom Walkers, a unit in the Brotherhood of Darkness' Sith army, preferred to use Galactic Solutions Industries products.

Behind the scenes

Galactic Solutions Industries was first mentioned in the novel Darth Bane: Path of Destruction, written by Drew Karpyshyn and released on September 26, 2006. The company was later featured in Star Wars: The Old Republic: Rise of the Hutt Cartel, the 2013 Digital Expansion to the BioWare video game Star Wars: The Old Republic, where GSI issues missions on Makeb, Alderaan, Tatooine, and Hoth for players who possess EV2 discreet reconnaissance macrobinoculars and Seeker Droids.
























