
Fur-Bite was a member of the Blazing Claw pirate group that sailed under Captain Gunda Mabin on the Bloody Bones. By 10 BBY, Mabin had claimed the book that would become known as the Smuggler's Guide from the captured pirate Hondo Ohnaka, and inside discovered the location of a treasure vault buried on the moon Moldour 14 by the Pirate Queen Maz Kanata.

Eager to claim the treasure, Mabin had the Bloody Bones travel to Moldour 14. Upon reaching their destination, seven members of the crew mutinied, but were killed by Mabin and those loyal to her. The crewmember then located the island sinkhole on Moldour 14 where the vault was buried. Fur-Bite then unsealed the vault, but was killed by a trap that fired a saberdart into the pirate's neck. The other traps in the vault failed to fire, and Mabin and the remaining crew claimed the precious meleenium, hyperbarides, and prismatic crystals inside before leaving the moon. Mabin later mentioned Fur-Bite's death while writing in the Smuggler's Guide.

Fur-Bite was mentioned in the 2018 reference book Star Wars: Smuggler's Guide, which was written by Daniel Wallace.

Behind the scenes

Fur-Bite was mentioned in the 2018 reference book Star Wars: Smuggler's Guide, which was written by Daniel Wallace.


  • Star Wars: Smuggler's Guide
