Finn Galfridian

Finn Galfridian was a Human male from the planet Artorias during the Yuuzhan Vong War in 25 ABY. He and his sister Kaye came from a royal background, as his father Caled and stepmother Nina were the rulers of Artorias. However, their peaceful existence was shattered when the Yuuzhan Vong, an aggressive race of extra-galactic invaders, attacked the planet. Finn fought in the defense of his homeworld, an effort which ultimately failed, although he was able to evacuate safely from Artorias due to the timely assistance of the Jedi Master Luke Skywalker. The rest of his family did not fare as well; his sister and mother were captured, while his father chose to remain on Artorias to lead a guerrilla resistance. During the battle, Finn demonstrated that he was Force-sensitive when he sensed his mother and sister being captured, and later became a member of the New Jedi Order under Skywalker's tutelage.

Early Life

Finn Galfridian was born in 6 ABY to Caled Galfridian and his Mother. Shortly after giving birth to Finn's sister Kaye, Finn's mother died. Caled eventually married Nina who treated Finn and Kaye as her own children. In 25 ABY, Finn built a pair of goggles that linked to his droid's, Prowl, vision, as a gift for his father's birthday.

Battle of Artorias

Finn Galfridian fought boredom on Artorias before the invasion.

Finn Galfridian fought boredom on Artorias before the invasion.

Life on Artorias was idyllic prior to the Yuuzhan Vong invasion in 25 ABY; the royal family could walk unmolested through the marketplace, and the planet did not even possess a defense force. Finn Galfridian, however, chafed under this peaceful existence, and spent his spare time taking physical risks under the supervision of his droid Prowl to alleviate his boredom. It was just after one of his exercises when the Yuuzhan Vong, an aggressive race of extra-galactic invaders, assaulted the planet. The Yuuzhan Vong had recently attacked the galaxy, destroying the planet of Sernpidal in the process. They had already infiltrated Artorias with their spies, hampering efforts to warn the planet of the invasion fleet.

Finn and his father Caled, the king of Artorias, rushed to the marketplace to rescue Finn's stepmother Nina and sister Kaye. In the meantime, Kaye and her mother Nina were captured by the invaders, although Kaye was able to kill one of the warriors in the process. Caled and Finn were unable to reach their family, and in the face of Yuuzhan Vong reinforcements, the king ordered the populace to evacuate to the shipyards. Although the two Galfridians and the evacuees were able to reach the hangar, the Yuuzhan Vong kept the building under siege. The refugees were unable to escape on the ships in the hangar since they had been sabotaged by a Yuuzhan Vong agent. Caled and Finn prepared themselves for the impending assault, but were rescued by the Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, who had killed the besiegers.

Finn and his Father during the Battle of Artorias.

Finn and his Father during the Battle of Artorias.

Skywalker offered to evacuate everyone in the hangar, but Caled personally refused to come along; citing his responsibility to the defense of his kingdom, he organized a strike team to attack the invaders. When Finn demanded to come along with the attack force, his father informed him that he now had to lead the Artorian people. As the refugees piled onto New Republic evacuation ships, Finn protested to Skywalker that he had no idea how to lead, but Skywalker assured him that if he pretended to know what he was doing, the people would follow him. Finn also demonstrated his Force affinity to Skywalker when he sensed his mother and sister being herded toward a Yuuzhan Vong slaveship. This prompted the Jedi Master to ask Finn to come to his Jedi academy on Yavin 4, which Finn accepted. As the ships fled from Artorias, Finn knew there was no going back.

Training on Yavin 4

Finn follows the Jedi path.

Finn follows the Jedi path.

While on Yavin 4, Finn began his training under the watchful eye of Master Skywalker. After much practice Finn was able to lift a rock using the Force. Master Skywalker congratulated the young Jedi, then placed a large boulder on the rock and told Finn to pick the rock up again. Four Jedi PadawansLowbacca, Jacen, Jaina, and Anakin Solo—took pity on him and offered to let him train with them. Despite some initial awkwardness around Jaina, Finn quickly showed his mettle in a practice duel with her. Jaina warned Finn of the dangers of hatred and of falling to the dark side of the Force after he expressed his worry and anger at fate of his planet and family. They were interrupted by Anakin Solo, who had heard a large noise issuing from a nearby cave. The Padawans went to investigate, and Finn ordered Prowl to scope out the cave while he monitored the droid's progress through his goggles, which could see through Prowl's photoreceptors.

A large Tuk'ata ran out of the cave toward the frozen Finn. Jacen was able to comfort the maddened animal by treating a wound it had sustained, and the Sith hound returned to its cave. Finn admonished himself for freezing in the face of danger, and expressed further anger toward the Yuuzhan Vong, which worried Skywalker. The Jedi Master discussed the situation with fellow Masters Kyp Durron and Lar Le'Ung. After receiving news of a Yuuzhan Vong attack on the planet Rychel, Skywalker resolved to take Finn along, especially after Finn appeared before the Masters and showed them that he had lifted Skywalker's boulder.

Battle of Rychel

Finn Galfridian and Lar Le'Ung during the Evacuation of Rychel.

Finn Galfridian and Lar Le'Ung during the Evacuation of Rychel.

Finn participated in the evacuation of Rychel's citizens. Finn looked to Master Skywalker and was amazed by his abilities. He and Master Le'Ung attempted to stop the fearsome Siege beasts Tu-Scart and Sgauru, when they felt the creatures emanating fear. Master Le'Ung began to rally the New Republic troops against the beasts but was struck from behind by the Yuuzhan Vong Commander Tsalok. Finn then took up Master Le'Ung's fallen lightsaber and continued to rally the troops. While the New Republic forces were retreating Finn noticed a small boy in a building and went to rescue him. After blasting two Chazrach Finn found the boy along with several others and while leading them out of the building was confronted by Tsalok. Finn attempted to hold off the warrior but during their duel Sgauru fell on the building, destroying it.

Finn Galfridian spares the life of Tsalok on Rychel.

Finn Galfridian spares the life of Tsalok on Rychel.

Finn managed to save his life as well as the refugees by using the Force to suspend the debris. Finn guided the refugees to the evacuation ships than went back to Tsalok who was now trapped beneath the debris. Luke watching, expected Finn to kill the warrior but to his surprise Finn cut away the debris and freed the warrior and told him to learn. Finn met up with Master Skywalker on an evacuation ship, and was congratulated by the Jedi Master for his actions.

Mission to Nar Shaddaa

Finn joins the Solos to Nar Shaddaa.

Finn joins the Solos to Nar Shaddaa.

After the battle Finn was sent by Master Skywalker to accompany Leia Solo, her children, and Lowbacca to obtain information from a smuggler on Nar Shaddaa. After exploring the planet Finn went back to the Millennium Falcon to get his droid Prowl. Upon returning to the Falcon Finn sensed someone entering it. Finn drew his blaster intending to stop the intruder but was stopped by a blaster at his back. Finn attempted to use a Jedi mind trick but it failed against the interloper who turned out to be Han Solo, who was their contact.

Leia came back and admonished Han for his treatment of Finn. After Finn left, Han and Leia discussed the mission to buy information about Yuuzhan Vong spies in the galaxy and also about how Han should forgive Anakin for Chewbacca's death. Finn came back after this and revealed he had heard everything they said through Prowl. Finn told Han that he should forgive Anakin, and that he believed his father was dead. Han decided that Finn and Prowl would be perfect to find out the information they needed.

After Jacen and Lowbacca discovered that Dahal knew who was selling the information, Finn and Prowl covertly followed him. While following Dahal, Finn bumped into a strange man. The man appeared to be intrigued by Finn's face but before Finn could find out who he was, Prowl warned that Dahal was nearing Finn's position. As the man walked away he called Finn by name, but Finn didn't notice. Because of that delay Dahal was now directly behind Finn so to avoid being caught he jumped off the street and held onto a sign. He then went back to the Millennium Falcon to tell everyone that he had seen Dahal talking to a Vratix. They then went to see Dahal and the Vratix Spraug. After they got a holocron Leia turned it on and Finn immediately recognized the face he saw as Dulac, who had known Finn since he was a small child.

Deciphering the holocron

Dray's holocron only worked for Finn.

Dray's holocron only worked for Finn.

Back on Yavin 4, Finn Galfridian, Luke Skywalker, Jacen Solo, and Jaina Solo gathered around the holocron, which only showed Dulac's true identity as a masqued Yuuzhan Vong infiltrator. Finn insisted on going back to Artorias to warn his father of the danger Dulac posed. Jacen and Luke tried to convince him not to go, but Finn remained steadfast. As Finn, followed by Jaina, walked out the room, the holocron faltered and shut down.

Outside, on the steps of one of Yavin 4's temples, Jaina asked Finn how he planned on saving his father. Finn told her he hadn't yet thought of a plan and hoped to come up with one along the way. At this point Master Skywalker interrupted their conversation and asked to speak with Finn privately. After Jaina had left, Skywalker asked Finn to take a look at the holocron. As soon as Finn touched the holocron it activated, confirming Luke's suspicion that the holocron was linked to him somehow and that it was meant for him. He asked Finn to see if he could learn more from the holocron.

When Master Skywalker left the holocron showed the face of Dray, the strange man Finn had encountered on Nar Shaddaa. Dray had foreseen that he and Finn would meet and had arranged for the holocron to make its way to Finn. He warned Finn of things to come and told him that he must travel to Artorias. When Jaina came back to see how he was doing the image changed back to that of Dulac.

That night, Finn sneaked into the Academy's shipyards, but when he neared a suitable ship, he found Jaina and Jacen already waiting for him, intent on accompanying him to Artorias. Luke Skywalker revealed himself as well and told them he knew he couldn't stop them from leaving, for he too once risked everything to save his own father. Master Skywalker warned them to be careful and gave Finn the lightsaber of Master Le'Ung, which he deemed Finn worthy of after the Battle of Rychel.

Race to Artorias

Finn wields two lightsabers against the grutchins.

Finn wields two lightsabers against the grutchins.

The ship traveled through hyperspace, while Finn, Jaina, and Jacen tried to come up with a plan for arriving safely at Artorias. Finn told them of a base hidden beneath the Great Sea of Artorias. If they would pretend to crash into the sea, they would be able to make their way to the base and use Prowl to search for Finn's father on Artorias' surface.

When Jaina brought the ship out of hyperspace, the trio was surprised by the lack of Yuuzhan Vong ship defending Artorias. They were, however, attacked by another type of defense, grutchins. The three Jedi quickly donned their pressure suits as the bugs were gnawing through the ship's hull. Jacen manned the guns to fight off the grutchins, but a few had already attached themselves to the hull. Borrowing Jaina's lightsaber, Finn made his way outside with Prowl and fought off the Grutchins until the ship neared Artorias' atmosphere. The ship's power diverters had been heavily damaged and the ship had become steer less, Jaina warned him to get inside the ship quickly or he would burn up in the atmosphere. Finn quickly dispatched of the last grutchins and made his way into the ship.

After the ship crashed into the sea, Finn piloted the ship towards the base. They were met with blaster fire as the Artorias resistance didn't know of their coming. The situation was quickly resolved when Sparky recognized Finn. Finn immediately asked after his father, and Sparky told him he was with Dulac.

Finn holds his wounded father.

Finn holds his wounded father.

Finn, Jaina, Jacen, and Prowl hurried through the base to find Caled and Dulac. Prowl arrived first, but Dulac had already revealed himself to the King and attacked him. On Finn's command, Prowl shot the Yuuzhan Vong. Dulac had one final ace up his sleeve though, a plaeryin bol. He fired the venom from the bol at Caled, which burned away at the King's face. Jacen and Jaina quickly dispatched Dulac with their lightsabers, while Finn concerned himself with his heavily wounded father.

A Father's Goodbye

After attempts to heal Caled by Jacen and Jaina failed, Jaina told Finn that he should say goodbye to his father, who did not have long left. Finn went to see his father who was happy to find out his son was a Jedi apprentice, and wanted to see Finn's lightsaber. Caled admired the weapon and told his son that he knew there was anger in him and told him not to strike out with it. He proceeded to tell Finn the story about how he met Nina. It was shortly after his first wife, the mother of Finn and Kaye, had died and he and a group of soldiers went to remove a slaver named Dowron from the planet. Dowron had Nina as a slave and after Caled freed her she killed Dowron with her bare hands. He then admitted that at the time he was angry about the loss of his first wife and was looking only to fight the bad of Artorias instead of fostering the good in it, and that only Nina's unconditional love for him and his children quieted his anger.

He then confided in Finn that he and Nina always knew that Kaye would be a leader but that they did not know what Finn would do, however he was proud that Finn was becoming a Jedi. Caled urged Finn to leave Artorias because the attacks of the Resistance were futile. Finn disagreed and responded by telling him about how the Yuuzhan Vong's lack of a Force signature led to the death of Jedi Master Lar Le'Ung during the Evacuation of Rychel and that he could in fact sense the Yuuzhan Vong. Finn believed he was a freak because of this ability but his father assured him that he was not, and thought that maybe it was a gift. Finn apologized for not getting there soon enough but Caled responded by saying that he was grateful to see him one last time. Caled then told Finn to leave so he could make a recording with Prowl. After Caled finished the recording Finn returned and placed his hand on his father. The King of Artorias was now dead.

New Journey

Caled was given a Jedi funeral, then Finn gathered the resistance and told them they were leaving Artorias until they could take back the planet. On the return trip, Dray contacted Finn through the holocron again and told him that his past was now behind him and that he must come to him to learn his purpose. Jacen then entered and voiced his suspicion, that the holocron worked only for Finn, which Finn confirmed. Jacen assured Finn that no matter what his destiny, he and Jaina would always be there to help if he needed it.

Finn is subdued by a Yuuzhan Vong creature.

Finn is subdued by a Yuuzhan Vong creature.

The Solo's dropped Finn off of at Nar Shaddaa. Before Finn left he told his friends that he would return to the Academy as soon as possible. Just as Finn began to search for Dray he felt something wrong and collapsed as something spasmed in his chest then fell unconscious. Luckily for him Dray found him and Prowl explained what happened. Dray was able to wake Finn and told him of the visions he had about the young Jedi. Dray could sense a loss in Finn and Finn told him about how he lost his father to the Yuuzhan Vong in the holocron. Finn asked how Dray knew of Dulac and Dray told him that he saw it in his visions of Finn. He also saw visions of the future including the Battle of Coruscant as well as the destruction of the Jedi Praxeum. He foresaw that the Galaxy and the Jedi would survive these atrocities but not a weapon that the Yuuzhan Vong were currently creating, and that Finn was the only one who could stand against this weapon. When Finn suggested to alert Master Skywalker to the threat Dray told him no because he and Skywalker did not see eye to eye. Dray told Finn that if Skywalker pooled all of the Jedi to stand against this threat then there would be no one to stop the Yuuzhan Vong.

Mission to Coruscant

Finn Galfridian uses a Mind trick on Palace Guards.

Finn Galfridian uses a Mind trick on Palace Guards.

Finn began his apprenticeship to Dray, and upgraded the weapons on Prowl. After hearing on the Holonet about Master Skywalker fighting on Dantooine, Finn became upset at his inaction. Dray told Finn that he was allowed to feel angry and that he would save the Galaxy soon. While comforting Finn, Dray had a Force vision of Chief of State Borsk Fey'lya, being attacked by Yuuzhan Vong. Dray told Finn of the vision and that Finn was going to stop it.

While on the way to Coruscant Finn told Dray that he did not want to kill anyone, but Dray told him that he believed the Yuuzhan Vong were not really alive, so Finn wouldn't really be killing them. After arriving on Coruscant, Finn used Jedi Mind tricks on the Palace Guards to enter the Imperial Palace. Finn quickly found Fey'lya, who happened to be discussing Finn's home world Artorias. Finn fell from his vantage point and was attacked by Senate Guards, however he used the Force to push them away. Before Finn could confront Fey'lya, he was attacked by the Imperial ambassador, Yarmond. Before Finn fell unconscious he sensed that Yarmond was the Yuuzhan Vong that Dray had envisioned.

Finn regained consciousness in the confines of a prison cell and was interrogated by Chief of State Fey'lya. Finn tried to explain that he was there to protect the Chief of State, but Borsk believed him to be an assassin and left. Not long after Fey'lya left, Finn was broken out by Dray and Prowl. After escaping, Finn told Dray about Yarmond being the Yuuzhan Vong. Dray told Finn that he would find Yarmond while Finn collected his gear. Before they separated Finn asked if Fey'lya was worth saving and Dray responded that the New Republic needed a figurehead, so as not to be destabilized.

Finn and Prowl returned to the Imperial palace to retrieve his goggles and lightsaber. To cause a distraction Prowl fired an explosive blast, however the guards found Finn anyway. Finn tried to use a Jedi mind trick on the Guard Captain Kopri, but her will was too strong. Finn realized there was no way to come across innocent so he ordered Prowl to cause a diversion. Prowl fired again and Finn used the distraction to Force break the door open. Before he could enter the palace, Kopri confronted him again. Finn told her that he wasn't an assassin but Kopri shot him and Finn fell off the walkway, but managed to grab onto its bottom. After the guards left to search for Prowl, Finn jumped back up and ran into the palace. Once inside Finn found his gear and eavesdropped on Borsk and Admiral Bylsma. Bylsma was trying to convince Borsk that the Yuuzhan Vong were going to attack Shramar, but Borsk dismissed the Admiral's concern as Yarmond, Shramar's ambassador, told him that the problem was the Artorian refugees Shramar had accepted. Bylsma pleaded to Borsk that thousands of refugees would die but Borsk told the admiral it was a regional concern, and with that Finn ignited his lightsaber.

He confronted Fey'lya and threatened him with his lightsaber. Finn tried to persuade the Chief of State that the Yuuzhan Vong invasion was a serious threat, but Fey'lya dismissed it as a political ploy. His guards, hearing the confrontation, entered the quarters but Finn used the Force to fling a couch at them. He then slashed open a window, and fled on the back of his droid, Prowl. Kopri followed him out the window, using a to fly. She managed to collide with Finn, knock both of them to the ground. The guard drew her blaster and aimed it at Finn, but he was able to convince her that he wasn't an assassin and was actually trying to save Fey'lya from the Yuuzhan Vong assassin, who was disguised as Yarmond. Kopri decided to investigate the Imperial, and Finn accompanied her to the ambassador's quarters. When the entered, they were confronted by Yarmond and Zakar. Before the Yuuzhan Vong could take away their prisoners, Dray arrived and slew Zakar.

Dray revealed his plan to eliminate the Yuuzhan Vong and take over the galaxy himself. He commanded Finn to kill Yarmond and Kopri. Finn turned his back on Dray and left the room with Kopri. They fled toward a nearby hangar and Kopri called in palace guards to take down Dray. They were no match for Dray and were all killed by Force lightning. As Finn approached a ship, Prowl saw Dray throw his lightsaber at Finn, and flew into its path, sacrificing himself to save his owner. Once on board, Kopri attempted to take off, but couldn't because the ship was held by Dray with the Force. Finn was able to knock Dray back by using the Force, and the ship fled Coruscant. During the flight, Finn was watching a holo of his mother addressing the Outer Rim Alliance and was surprised to see her reveal herself as a Yuuzhan Vong.

Personality and traits

Despite his royal background, Finn Galfridian was bored with life on Artorias and utilized his natural Force ability to take risks to combat his boredom. Although Finn was confident with his physical abilities, he became unsure of his leadership qualities when he was forced to assume leadership over the citizens of Artorias, confiding to Skywalker that he was in over his head and wasn't ready to take responsibility. However, Finn was very loyal to his family and was willing to put himself in danger to see them to safety, wishing to join his father's strike force but staying on Artorias to rescue his captured mother and sister.

While training on Yavin 4, Finn developed a crush on his fellow Padawan, Jaina Solo. Although tongue-tied and awkward at first, he warmed up to her and told her of his experiences fighting the Yuuzhan Vong. Finn was greatly affected by the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of his planet and capture of his family, expressing that he could not set aside his thoughts of their fates, and of the Yuuzhan Vong. He later froze when confronted by a maddened Tuk'ata, and although Skywalker tried to comfort him, he felt ashamed of himself. He was quick to point out that he would not have hesitated to fight if the enemy had been a Yuuzhan Vong.

During the battle of Rychel, Finn had the opportunity to kill the Yuuzhan Vong commander who killed Master Le'Ung but instead freed him from the debris that trapped him, shocking Luke who expected Galfridian to kill the helpless warrior. Later, Luke would describe Finn as having pieces missing from him.

Lightsaber skills

Finn wielding his lightsaber.

Finn wielding his lightsaber.

Despite having relatively little lightsaber training, during the Evacuation of Rychel, Finn was able to hold off the powerful Yuuzhan Vong commander Tsalok.

While on his way back to Artorias, Finn used Jaina Solo's lightsaber as well as his own to fend off attacking Grutchin.

Force Powers

Finn using the Force to lift a rock.

Finn using the Force to lift a rock.

While escaping Artorias with Luke Skywalker, Finn was able to sense his frightened sister and mother through the Force as they were being hauled off into captivity, demonstrating to the Jedi Master that the young prince was Force-sensitive.

While training on Yavin 4, Finn gained experience and grew more confident during his stay in the Jedi Praxeum. Finn was a quick learner of telekinesis; by the time he left Yavin 4 for the planet Rychel, Finn was able to lift both a small rock and a giant boulder with the Force. While battling the Yuuzhan Vong commander Tsakok, the building they where in was destroyed, but he used the Force to prevent the debris from crushing him and Rychel refugees.

Later on Nar Shaddaa, Finn was able to use the Force to sense an intruder entering the Millennium Falcon, however as noted by Han Solo, Finn still had to work on his Jedi Mind tricks.After further training Finn was able to successfully use Jedi Mind Tricks, to gain entry into the Imperial Palace.

Finn admitted to his father, shortly before he died, that when he briefly battled Tsalok that he could sense him in the Force, despite him being a Yuuzhan Vong, whereas all other Jedi were unable to.

Other abilities

Finn was very athletic, performing such feats as standing on one hand for extended periods of time on a narrow ledge and performing acrobatic jumps.

Finn also showed aptitude with fixing mechanical devices. He was able to build a pair of goggles that linked to his droid Prowl . His father Caled ordered him and his droid Prowl to fix the sabotaged ships during the battle of Artorias.

Finn was also capable with a blaster.

Behind the scenes

Finn Galfridian was created by Tom Taylor and illustrated by Colin Wilson for the Star Wars: Invasion comic series. The comic series features the Galfridian family as they become separated during the Yuuzhan Vong War. In Invasion 1, Finn is revealed to be the Prince of Artorias.

















































