Ire Falk

Ire Falk was an individual who served in the armed forces of the Galactic Empire with the military rank of general. In 10 BBY, Falk led the 224th Imperial Armored Division during the long Mimban Campaign. Following the Battle of Yavin and the gaps left in the Joint Chiefs of the Imperial Military as a result of the battle, Falk served in the group some time after. Falk was appointed to led the Imperial Army forces on the surface of Endor, and attended a meeting of senior Imperial officers prior to the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY. Historian Beaumont Kin mentioned Falk in multiple instances in his book, The Rise and Fall of the Galactic Empire.

Mimban Campaign

Falk oversaw the Mimban Campaign

Falk oversaw the Mimban Campaign

In 10 BBY, Ire Falk, who by that time had reached the military rank of general, participated in the Mimban Campaign, an Imperial pacification campaign on the Expansion Region planet Mimban. There, the 224th Imperial Armored Division fought against the Mimbanese Liberation Army, and moved to Camp Forward under the command of General Falk. During the campaign, Falk was the commanding officer of Imperial forces and communicated with Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin, despite Moff Bin Essada conducting the battle from his offices on Gyndine.

After Major Staz was killed, Lieutenant Alayus Bolandin briefed members of the division at Camp Forward that they would deploy to the Southern Marshlands in three hours and that he needed an advanced party of ten soldiers. Prior to the unit's deployment, Bolandin was given a field promotion to the rank of captain by Falk.

Battle of Endor

General Falk led army forces on Endor.

General Falk led army forces on Endor.

By the time of the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, Falk became a member of the Joint Chiefs of the Imperial Military alongside others including Fleet Admiral Firmus Piett, Vice Admiral Rae Sloane, Vice Admiral Corf Ferno, and General Maximilian Veers. Due to the lack of overarching leadership, the joint chiefs splintered into several factions with ideological and doctrinal distinctions. Falk commanded the Imperial Army forces on the surface of Endor moon, while Major Hewex led the . Falk attended a meeting of senior Imperial officers at Endor, and along with Hewex, received a short brief at the start of the meeting by Piett on the expected ground action. Communication records recovered after the battle indicated that the briefing sent from orbit to the surface was not long.


In 35 ABY, the historian and Resistance paramilitary member Beaumont Kin mentioned Ire Falk in several instances in his book, The Rise and Fall of the Galactic Empire. The book included a citation to a file of Falk's communications to Tarkin in the Imperial Archives, as well as a citation to the Rebel Alliance Archives in the Endor section to a file of captured Imperial communications. Falk appeared in an emergency reconstruction footnote in a membership list of the Joint Chiefs that was stored in the Imperial Archives and cited by Kin.

Kin additionally believed that Falk was under instructions to ensure that the Battle of Mimban was a lengthy one as it allowed the Empire to submit ongoing military requisition bills to the Imperial Senate, allowing them to massively increase their military.

Behind the scenes

Falk was first mentioned in the 2021 reference book Star Wars: Battles that Changed the Galaxy. Falk's first name, Ire, was first mentioned in Dr. Chris Kempshall's 2024 book Star Wars: The Rise and Fall of the Galactic Empire.


  • Star Wars: Battles that Changed the Galaxy
  • Star Wars: The Rise and Fall of the Galactic Empire
