Exegol Excavation Project

The Exegol Excavation Project was an archeological endeavor undertaken around 35 ABY and led by historian Beaumont Kin in the aftermath of the Battle of Exegol and the final defeat of the Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Sidious. The project's main focus was the excavation of the Sith Citadel on Exegol, where its members discovered evidence of Galactic Emperor Sheev Palpatine's Sith ties, including scrolls mentioning his Sith Master, Darth Plagueis, and artifacts from worlds thought to be mythological, like Moraband and Dromund Kaas. It also uncovered scrolls annotated by Sidious himself, detailing a prophesied Sith'ari: an individual who would lead the Sith to glory.

The findings of the excavation project contributed to Kin's book, The Rise and Fall of the Galactic Empire, detailing the transformation of the Galactic Republic into the titular Galactic Empire, as well as its subsequent fall at the hands of Luke Skywalker and the Alliance to Restore the Republic.


  • Star Wars: The Rise and Fall of the Galactic Empire
