Enna Tabord

Enna Tabord was a Human female Jedi who served the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic during the Galactic War with the Sith Empire. When the Order learned of the Sith Emperor's plans to annihilate all life in the galaxy through a dark side ritual, the Grand Master Satele Shan sent Tabord to the prison planet of Belsavis to investigate what the Imperial Executor Krannus was doing on the world. However, Tabord was attacked by an Imperial patrol while scouting the area after an Imperial attack freed many of the prisoners, and she was barely able to inform the unofficial prison guard Pak Taldine of her findings before her death.


A Human female, the Force-sensitive Enna Tabord was recruited into the Jedi Order at some point before the year 3641 BBY. When the Jedi learned from Lord Scourge, the former Emperor's Wrath who had betrayed the Emperor of the Sith Empire to aid the Jedi Knight known as the Hero of Tython, that the Emperor intended to perform a ritual that would allow him to consume all life in the galaxy, Grand Master Satele Shan immediately began searching for signs of Imperial activity. Upon learning that the Empire had launched an attack on the secret Republic prison world of Belsavis as part of the Galactic War, the Grand Master also discovered evidence that a high-ranking servant of the Emperor named Executor Krannus had arrived on Belsavis. Shan dispatched Tabord to investigate before informing the Hero of Tython and Scourge, and Tabord arrived on Belsavis not long into the riots that resulted from the Imperial attack.

She made contact with the prison's administration and acquired the aid of a Zabrak named Pak Taldine, who had been incarcerated on Belsavis for a series of murders many years earlier but had reformed and become an unofficial member of the prison guard. Taldine's knowledge of Belsavis was unrivaled among the guards, and Tabord used his help to locate Krannus's forces on the western edge of the Minimum Security Section. As the Hero had not yet arrived, Tabord decided to scout out the area herself and departed the Republic Guardpost Beta. However, she was surprised to find the Imperials holed up in the South Power Generator Facility in the western cliffs with heavy weaponry and a ray shield, and the Jedi was severely injured when an Imperial patrol discovered her before she could slip away.

Tabord was able to make it back to the guardpost and described her encounter to Taldine before dying, including the presence of a red-skinned Imperial officer who seemed to match the description of Krannus. Mere minutes after her death, the Hero arrived with a companion, but Taldine was convinced to help the Jedi act on Tabord's information. With the intelligence Tabord gathered, the Hero was able to shut down the facility's shields and storm the base, although Krannus had already departed by that time.

Personality and traits

Enna Tabord's corpse

Enna Tabord's corpse

Fair-skinned with short brown hair, Enna Tabord was overconfident when it came to her Jedi abilities—something that led to her death at the hands of an Imperial patrol. However, she was determined to finish her mission even after she was injured, and she found the strength to make it back to the guardpost so that her information could be of use. As a Jedi, Tabord wore green combat apparel with grey-and-white armor, and she kept her hair cut short.

Powers and abilities

Tabord was Force-sensitive and strong enough with the Force that she was accepted into the Jedi Order, but her powers were relatively weak compared to some of her contemporaries; Tabord was unable to defend herself against an Imperial patrol. Tabord wielded a single-bladed lightsaber in combat.

Behind the scenes

Enna Tabord first appeared briefly in the Jedi Knight mission "Anarchy" on Belsavis in Star Wars: The Old Republic, a video game released by BioWare in 2011. The player is instructed to locate Tabord upon arriving on Belsavis but instead finds Taldine standing over the Jedi's body in the guardpost, where they were supposed to meet. A glitch occasionally shows Tabord standing at the beginning of the cutscene, though she immediately reverts to lying on the floor and remains there throughout the conversation.



