Empress Teta system's star

It took Empress Teta 359 days to complete an orbit around the sun, with each day taking 23.5 hours. In the Royal District of Empress Teta's capital city, Cinnagar, nine golden spires represented the planets within the Empress Teta system. The spires were placed along the equatorial axis so that the morning sunlight would illuminate them according to their orbit order about their sun.

The star was mentioned in the current Star Wars canon in Nexus of Power, a 2016 roleplaying sourcebook for Fantasy Flight Games' Star Wars: Force and Destiny. In Star Wars Legends, the sun was named Koros and was first mentioned in the article "Byss and the Deep Core Part 2: Empress Teta," which was authored by Rodney Thompson and posted to Wizards.com on April 14, 2005.

Behind the scenes

The star was mentioned in the current Star Wars canon in Nexus of Power, a 2016 roleplaying sourcebook for Fantasy Flight Games' Star Wars: Force and Destiny. In Star Wars Legends, the sun was named Koros and was first mentioned in the article "Byss and the Deep Core Part 2: Empress Teta," which was authored by Rodney Thompson and posted to Wizards.com on April 14, 2005.


  • Nexus of Power
