Duel on Dantooine

During the Great Galactic War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, Jedi Master Tol Braga corresponded regularly with various Sith Lords as he sought a way to bring the conflict to a peaceful close. However, the Kel Dor's efforts were unsuccessful until Darth Sajar, a member of the Sith's ruling Dark Council, asked to meet him on the planet Dantooine to discuss peace.

Their meeting occurred sometime between 3678 BBY and the end of the war in 3653 BBY. Sajar attacked the Jedi when he arrived, beginning a duel that would last for three days as the two debated and attempted to draw their opponent over to their respective side of the Force. The duel ended when Braga successfully convinced the Dark Councilor to abandon the dark side and become his Padawan learner. Shedding his title of Darth, Sajar shared much of his knowledge with the Jedi Council, including information on the agents known as the Children of the Emperor.

The duel was first mentioned by Tol Braga in Star Wars: The Old Republic, a 2011 video game released by BioWare. During the Jedi Knight class mission "The Emperor's Wrath," Braga explains his history with Sajar before sending the player to Quesh. The 2012 reference book Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia gave more information about the duel, though it incorrectly placed it on Nar Shaddaa.

Behind the scenes

The duel was first mentioned by Tol Braga in Star Wars: The Old Republic, a 2011 video game released by BioWare. During the Jedi Knight class mission "The Emperor's Wrath," Braga explains his history with Sajar before sending the player to Quesh. The 2012 reference book Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia gave more information about the duel, though it incorrectly placed it on Nar Shaddaa.


  • Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia



