Droid Modification Team

The Droid Modification Team disguised R2-D2 first while C-3PO waited with the Jedi Luke Skywalker in the Droid Repair Shop on the moon Yavin 4. Skywalker signaled the team with an inter-office communications device after some protestations from C-3PO, and the droids brought in R2-D2, whom they had modified to resemble a dark green Kessel mining droid. C-3PO then reluctantly left with the Droid Modification Team and was modified within an hour, after which he returned to the Droid Repair Shop.

The Droid Modification Team appeared in The Glove of Darth Vader, a 1992 junior novel by Paul and Hollace Davids.

Behind the scenes

The Droid Modification Team appeared in The Glove of Darth Vader, a 1992 junior novel by Paul and Hollace Davids.



