Dice Ibegon

Dice Ibegon was a Force-sensitive Lamproid, a member of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, and the lover of Lak Sivrak, whom she convinced to join the Alliance. She was a patron of Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina on the planet Tatooine in 0 BBY and sat at a table across from the Pacithhip named Ketwol.


Dice Ibegon sat with Ketwol.

Dice Ibegon sat with Ketwol.

Dice Ibegon was a Lamproid female who served in the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the Galactic Civil War against the Galactic Empire. After she met the Shistavanen Lak Sivrak, a former Imperial scout, the pair became lovers and Ibegon convinced Sivrak to join her in the Alliance.

In 0 BBY, Ibegon spent time in Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina in the city of Mos Eisley on the desert planet Tatooine. She sat at a table in one of the cantina's booths with the Pacithhip Ketwol, who was sharing a jigger or Merenzane Gold with the Defel Arleil Schous and the Devaronian Kardue'sai'Malloc. Ibegon spoke to Ketwol in Lamproid, with the Pacithip responding in Shimiese, shortly before an altercation at the cantina's bar resulted in the local moisture farmer Luke Skywalker being thrown into the table next to Ibegon's group by the criminals Cornelius Evazan and Ponda Baba.

Ibegon was mentioned in an artist's journal, which was restored, expanded, and displayed by the Graf Archive at some point after 34 ABY.

Personality and traits

Dice Ibegon was a Force-sensitive Lamproid with brown skin.

Behind the scenes

Dice Ibegon first appeared in the 1977 original trilogy film, Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope.


  • Star Wars: Force Collection
  • Star Wars: Force Collection
  • Star Wars: Complete Locations
  • Star Wars: The Card GameDesperate Circumstances
  • The Moviemaking Magic of Star Wars: Creatures & Aliens
  • Star Wars: The Complete Visual Dictionary, New Edition
  • Star Wars: Alien Archive
  • The Star Wars Archives: Episodes I–III, 1999–2005






