
During the Great Galactic War, Devotek became a noble Sith champion for 24 years until he was sent on an important mission and caused a thousand Imperial deaths. Guilt-ridden and disgraced, Devotek was imprisoned and sent to Korriban during the Cold War.

In 3643 BBY, Devotek was seen with several prisoners that were been held by Jailer Knash in the Sith Academy. When an unidentified Sith Acolyte arrived, Devotek begged the acolyte to grant him a trial by combat since he wanted to taste freedom once more and have a chance of leaving Korriban alive. The Sith Acolyte ignored Devotek's wish and killed him by Force choking him and sticking their blade in Devotek's throat.

The Sith Warrior has three options of dealing with Devotek. The player can simply kill him in disgrace (Dark Side), honor his request of dying in combat (Dark Side), or let him continue to rot in his cell (Light Side).


During the Great Galactic War, Devotek became a noble Sith champion for 24 years until he was sent on an important mission and caused a thousand Imperial deaths. Guilt-ridden and disgraced, Devotek was imprisoned and sent to Korriban during the Cold War.

In 3643 BBY, Devotek was seen with several prisoners that were been held by Jailer Knash in the Sith Academy. When an unidentified Sith Acolyte arrived, Devotek begged the acolyte to grant him a trial by combat since he wanted to taste freedom once more and have a chance of leaving Korriban alive. The Sith Acolyte ignored Devotek's wish and killed him by Force choking him and sticking their blade in Devotek's throat.

Behind the scenes

The Sith Warrior has three options of dealing with Devotek. The player can simply kill him in disgrace (Dark Side), honor his request of dying in combat (Dark Side), or let him continue to rot in his cell (Light Side).



