Daragi Hoba

Daragi Hoba was the First Minister of the world Ando who led his homeworld during its secession from the Galactic Republic on the date 13:2:28, before the Clone Wars broke out between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems on 13:5:21.

A member of the Aqualish species, Hoba addressed his fellow Andoans on the day of Ando and the world Sy Myrth's joint official secession from the Republic on the morning of 13:2:28; as anti-Republic crowds formed of Aqualish from various places and walks of life gathered to celebrate in the Raquish Thoroughfare of Ando's Quantill City less than two standard hours after the event, praising Senator Po Nudo of Ando—whose position Hoba supported—and destroying effigies of Republic Senate Guards, the First Minister proudly expressed his championing of Ando's self-determination and departure from the Republic via hologram broadcast. He criticized the "rampant hypocrisy" of the Republic under Chancellor Palpatine, whose Senate debated the creation of a state army even though they had long forced the demilitarization of the Andoan people, which resulted in bloody conflicts such as the Battle of Raquish and the Horos Spine Incident. The CoCo District Edition of HoloNet News ran an article on the same day about Ando's secession, reporting on First Minister Hoba's statements.

Behind the scenes

Daragi Hoba was introduced in HoloNet News Vol. 531 #45.


  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia



