Corellian Home Fleet


The Corellian defense fleet was one of the major fleets of the Space Service of the Corellian Defense Force (CDF). It was assigned to the defense of Corellia and the Corellian system. Its headquarters were located in the Orbital Industrial Zone of Corellia.

The Corellian Home Fleet, along with the rest of the CDF, was led by the ruler of the Corellian system, namely the Governor-General of the Corellian sector, later replaced by the Five World Prime Minister. Within the military, the CDF and the Corellian Home Fleet were commanded by the Supreme Commander of the Corellian Defense Force.


The Corellian Home Fleet used various types of starships, mostly manufactured by the Corellian Engineering Corporation. The capital ships included corvettes (such as the CR90 corvette and the CR92a Assassin-class corvette), gunships, frigates, cruiser, and Star Defenders (such as the Strident-class Star Defender). Smaller vessels encompassed patrol boats (such as the Pocket Patrol Boat), transports, and Starfighters (such as the Corellian attack fighter).

In addition, the Corellian defense fleet used ancient models of Imperial starships decades after the end of the Galactic Civil War such as TIE series fighters, A-9 Vigilance interceptors, A-10 interceptors, I-7 Howlrunners and EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigates.


Near the end of the Galactic Civil War, the New Republic gained control of the Corellian system after the fall of the Diktat's regime. Micamberlecto, the newly-appointed New Republic Governor-General of the Corellian sector, became the new commander-in-chief of the Corellian Armed Forces. However, Corellian troops, in particular Imperial and Diktat loyalists, were reluctant to obey to a New Republic appointee. At the beginning of the Corellian Crisis, in 18 ABY, the majority of the CDF space forces betrayed the New Republic and defected to the Triad of Sacorria. Later, during the takeover of Corellia by Thrackan Sal-Solo's Human League, the few remaining Corellian space forces in the Corellian system joined Thrackan Sal-Solo. Elements of the Corellian defense fleet attempted to capture New Republic Chief of State Leia Organa Solo.

More than a decade later, years after the end of the Yuuzhan Vong War, the Corellian system was governed by the regime of the Five Worlds. In 40 ABY, the tensions between the Galactic Alliance and the Five Worlds resulted in the outbreak of the Second Galactic Civil War. The conflict erupted when the Galactic Alliance Navy invaded the Corellian system during Operation Roundabout. At that time, the Corellian Home Fleet contained at least a dozen starfighter squadrons and hundreds of capital ships (although none of them were the size of the Galactic-class battle carrier). However, many of the ships were little more than wrecks designed to intimidate and confuse, distracting from the truly operational ships. During Operation Roundabout, the Corellian defense fleet clashed against the superior space forces of the Galactic Alliance and suffered heavy casualties. Nevertheless, Corellian defense forces resisted and prevented the Galactic Alliance to take over Corellia. The unsuccessful Galactic Alliance Navy eventually blockaded Corellia in retaliation. During the Blockade, Corellian Home Fleet was engaged in hit-and-run attacks on Galactic Alliance ships across the five planets of the Corellian system. Some time later, the conflict escalated and other worlds joined Corellia in the war, forming the Confederation. Confederation space forces attacked the Galactic Alliance navy in the Corellian system and assisted the Corellian Home Fleet in breaking the blockade of Corellia.


  • Suns of Fortune


















