Corellian Defense Forces Space Service

The Corellian Defense Forces Space Service, also known as the Corellian navy and Corellian fleet, was the naval branch of the Corellian Defense Force. It was dedicated to the defense of Corellian space.


The Corellian Defense Forces Space Service encompassed all the space forces of the Corellian Defense Force (CDF), the armed forces that guarded the Corellian sector. The fleet had its headquarters in the Orbital Industrial Zone of Corellia.

The Space Service, along with the rest of the CDF, was led by the ruler of the Corellian sector, namely the Governor-General of the Corellian sector, later replaced by the Five World Prime Minister. Within the military, the CDF and its Space Service were commanded by the Supreme Commander of the Corellian Defense Force.

The most notable fleet of the Corellian Defense Forces Space Service was the Corellian Home Fleet, the fleet assigned to the defense of Corellia and the Corellian system.

Corellian naval officers were awarded a Corellian cutlass when they attained the rank of lieutenant.


The CDF Space Service used various types of starships, mostly manufactured by the Corellian Engineering Corporation. The capital ships included corvettes (such as the CR90 corvette and the CR92a Assassin-class corvette), gunships, frigates (including assault frigates), cruiser, Star Defenders (such as the Strident-class Star Defender), battle cruisers, and dreadnaughts. Smaller vessels encompassed patrol boats (such as the Pocket Patrol Boat) and transports (such as the CR-20 troop carrier). Starfighter models included the Light Attack Fighter Model 250, the Heavy/Light Attack Fighter 500, the CL-1c Lancet interceptor, the X-TIE Fighter, the Corellian attack fighter and the YT-5100 Shriek-class bomber.

In addition, the CDF used ancient models of Imperial starships decades after the end of the Galactic Civil War such as TIE series fighters, A-9 Vigilance interceptors, A-10 interceptors, I-7 Howlrunners, EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigates, Carrack-class light cruisers and Victory-class Star Destroyers.


In the last centuries of the Galactic Republic, the Corellian defense force built large warships to defend the sector against exterior threats. Like all big capital ships employed in the rich Core sectors of the Republic, they were fitted with a limited-range hyperdrive so as not to be involved in aggressive military actions.

After the Declaration of a New Order in 19 BBY, the Corellian sector became an Imperial client state loyal to Emperor Palpatine. Although the Corellian Diktat kept the title of Governor-General of the Corellian sector, the control of the Corellian Defense Force was overseen by the Imperial Grand Moff of the Corellian sector. During the Galactic Civil War, elements of the Corellian Defense Force were repeatedly sent away to assist the Imperial armed forces against the Rebel Alliance.

Following the death of the Emperor at the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, many Imperial loyalists fled the collapsing Empire to take refuge in the Imperial-friendly Corellian sector. Former Imperial soldiers extensively joined the Space Service of the Corellian Defense Force.

Near the end of the Galactic Civil War, the New Republic gained control of the Corellian system after the fall of the Diktat's regime. Micamberlecto, the newly-appointed New Republic Governor-General of the Corellian sector, became the new commander-in-chief of the Corellian Armed Forces. However, Corellian troops, in particular Imperial and Diktat loyalists, were reluctant to obey to a New Republic appointee. During the First Corellian Insurrection in 18 ABY, the majority of the the CDF Space Service forces betrayed the New Republic. Within the very first days of the insurrection, CDF warships, including capital ships, massively defected to the Triad of Sacorria. Later, during the takeover of Corellia by Thrackan Sal-Solo's Human League, the few remaining Corellian space forces in the Corellian system joined the self-proclaimed Diktat Thrackan Sal-Solo. Vessels of the Corellian defense fleet attempted to capture New Republic Chief of State Leia Organa Solo when she escaped Corellia. The New Republic eventually defeated the Sacorrian Triad that was responsible for the entire conflict at the Battle of Centerpoint Station. There, the New Republic navy annihilated the Sacorrian fleet, including the treacherous CDF space forces.

Near the end of the Galactic Civil War, vessels of the Corellian Defense Force served in the Combined Defense Forces of the New Republic under Corellian General Bel Iblis.

More than a decade later, years after the end of the Yuuzhan Vong War, the Corellian system was ruled by the government of the Five Worlds. As tensions arose between the Five Worlds and the Galactic Alliance, a secret fleet of Corellian Dreadnaught was constructed in the Kiris Asteroid Cluster in order to augment the existing Corellian space forces. In 40 ABY, the Second Galactic Civil War finally erupted between the Galactic Alliance and the Five World when the Galactic Alliance Navy invaded the Corellian system. In the first stage of the war, the CDF Space Service, and more particularly the Corellian Home Fleet, was highly involved since the blockaded Corellia was the hotspot of the conflict. During Operation Noble Savage, Corellian starfighter squadrons commanded by General Wedge Antilles destroyed the Galactic Alliance's bridgehead in the Corellian system. Around the same time, the Corellian fleet secretly built in the Kiris shipyards was dispatched far away from the Corellian sector to fight in the Hapes Cluster. Some time later, the war escalated and other worlds joined Corellia in the conflict, forming the Confederation. Corellian Defense Force elements were then deployed throughout the galaxy alongside other Confederation forces to fight against the Galactic Alliance. The CDF navy fought at the Battle of Gilatter VIII, at the Battle of Kuat, at the Battle of Kashyyyk and at the Second Battle of Roche. At the battle of the rendezvous point, a decoy fleet of decommissioned Corellian ships was used to lure Galactic Alliance Chief of State Jacen Solo and destroy the Galactic Alliance Second Fleet by firing the Centerpoint Station superweapon. Eventually, the Second Galactic Civil War ended with the death of Jacen Solo in 41 ABY during the Battle of Uroro Station.


  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
  • The Essential Guide to Warfare
  • Suns of Fortune

































