Corellian Council


Although the Corellian population widely supported the Galactic Republic, the Council aligned itself with the reconstituted Sith Empire during the Galactic War. In fact, the Sith had spend many years to recruit Corellian politicians in order to take control of the Council and eventually seize the planet. Through their treachery, the Councillors earned lifetime appointments to their posts.

When the Galactic Republic initiated a counterattack during the Battle of Corellia in 3640 BBY, Councilor Belos, who originally supported Corellia's defection, secretly aided the Republic up until their forces reached Capitol Square. The Council holed up in the Legislature with Darth Hadra of the Dark Council protecting them, providing information on the building's defenses to give the Empire an edge. After Hadra was killed with the support of the Republic, CorSec declared their right to arrest the Council for treason. The Council's arrest enabled the Republic to retake Corellia.


  • The Art and Making of Star Wars: The Old Republic
  • Star Wars: The Old Republic Explorer's Guide
  • Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia






