Darth Hadra

Darth Hadra was a female Human Dark Lord of the Sith of the reconstituted Sith Empire who served as a member of the Dark Council during the Cold War.


It was rumored that Hadra had ascended to her position of Darth by an affair with Darth Malgus, but the rumors were false—she had simply murdered her opponents and enemies to achieve her position. A rival of Darth Mekhis, Hadra presided over the Empire's capital world of Dromund Kaas in addition to the Sphere of Technology—one of the twelve Spheres of Influence that were each controlled by a member of the Council. Hadra gained her seat on the Dark Council after a Republic Strategic Information Service operation resulted in Mekhis's disappearance. When her forces discovered an ancient Sith shrine near Kaas City, she attempted to claim it as her territory, but Darth Arctis—the leader of the Sphere of Ancient Knowledge—protested her claim and became embroiled in a conflict with Hadra.

During 3640 BBY, Hadra and fellow Dark Councilor Darth Acharon traveled to the contested planet of Corellia to reinforce Darth Decimus, head of the Sphere of Military Strategy, in the war effort there. Darth Hadra along with Acharon and Decimus were called via holo to an emergency Dark Council meeting by Darth Baras, who attempted to claim the position of Emperor's Voice and was then struck down by the Emperor's Wrath, then Hadra and the rest of the Dark Council pledged their loyalty to their Emperor's Wrath. During the Republic push on the Legislature Building, Hadra locked herself in the safe room with the Corellian Council. When a Republic Hero arrived to oppose her, she stated that the Council joined the Empire willingly and her death would not change that. After an intense fight, Hadra was defeated and killed.

Powers and abilities

Darth Hadra was capable of Force lightning. Hadra used a purple double-bladed Sith lightsaber. She was also a superior combatant to Darth Mekhis.


  • Star Wars: The Old Republic Explorer's Guide









