Cinderon Malpe

Cinderon Malpe was a male individual who represented Derella in the Imperial Senate. Malpe had close ties to Bail Organa and was invited to attend the Day of Demand held for Princess Leia Organa on Alderaan in 3 BBY. He attended banquets hosted at the Royal Palace of Alderaan with other senators involved with resisting the Empire. Malpe expressed discontent, at one of theses banquets, with Saw Gerrera's violence after learning he was involved with the assassination of Quarsh Panaka. At another banquet, Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin unexpectedly attended to try to find evidence that the group was plotting against the Empire. Malpe was questioned by Tarkin abou his concerns with his planet and the senate which Maple worriedly responded to but was interrupted when Queen Breha Organa staged a scene in which she pretended to drunkenly accuse her husband of having an affair with his colleague Mon Mothma though Malpe did not realize that it was a scene until after Tarkin had left.

Cinderon Malpe first appeared in Leia, Princess of Alderaan, a 2017 young adult novel written by Claudia Gray that was released as part of Journey to Star Wars: The Last Jedi. In the preview chapter published in the paperback edition of Lost Stars, Malpe's role was originally taken by Senator Gall Trayvis, whose homeworld was revealed as Osk-Trill, but Trayvis was replaced by Malpe in the full novel.

Behind the scenes

Cinderon Malpe first appeared in Leia, Princess of Alderaan, a 2017 young adult novel written by Claudia Gray that was released as part of Journey to Star Wars: The Last Jedi. In the preview chapter published in the paperback edition of Lost Stars, Malpe's role was originally taken by Senator Gall Trayvis, whose homeworld was revealed as Osk-Trill, but Trayvis was replaced by Malpe in the full novel.






