Chiss–Grysk conflict

The Chiss–Grysk conflict was a war that consisted of a series of political and military conflicts between the blue-skinned nation, the Chiss Ascendancy and their allies, and the Grysk warlike sentient species's nation of the Grysk Hegemony and their allies. The conflict began in 19 BBY, between the Chiss Ascendancy and the Grysk-controlled Nikardun Destiny, which attacked the Ascendancy's capital, Csilla, as well as attempting to kill and capture several Chiss, such as Senior Captain Mitth'raw'nuruodo (Core name "Thrawn"). However, the Nikardun Destiny was later defeated by Thrawn, who neutralized the Destiny's leader, General Yiv the Benevolent. After Yiv's failure to destroy the Chiss, the Grysk agent which had trained and manipulated the Nikardun, "Jixtus" employed another faction, the Agbui, and their leader, Haplif. During their attempt to precipitate a Chiss Ascendancy civil war, they caused tensions between several of the Chiss' Nine Ruling Families and Great Families, causing a battle between the Pommrio family, the Erighal family and the Xodlak family. As Agbui agents had shared the location of a "nyix mine" with untapped resources to all families, causing all of them to arrive at the mine at the same time. However, Thrawn once again discovered the Agbui and Jixtus' plot, and destroyed the mine thanks to Jixtus' Watith agents that had been sent to kill Thrawn, which failed.

In 18 BBY, Jixtus allied himself with the theocratic government of the Kilji species, the Kilji Illumine and its ruler, Generalirius Nakirre. Jixtus promised the Kiljis "nations and guidance" in their conquests of "enlightenment", while Nakirre—without him realizing—provided the Grysk transport aboard the Illumine's battle fleet, the Illumine Kilhorde, assuring the Chiss Ascendancy realized the Kiljis were not a threat, hiding their "true enemy," the Grysk Hegemony. As Nakirre and Jixtus traveled across the Ascendancy, brewing Chaos between families by showing recordings of the Hoxim incident, creating fake warships to simulate families attacking others, the Kilji Illumine lost. As Jixtus sent General Crofyp and Colonel Tildnis to Rapacc, to retrieve refugees, which failed, and later sent the one that survived the battle against Thrawn and the Paccian Governance, Tildnis aboard his Kilji picket cruiser, the Hammer to Sunrise, where it was boarded by Thrawn. During the attack on Tildnis, Thrawn and the Paccosh killed all Kiljis aboard, retrieving technical data and combat doctrines which he shared with the Paataatus Hiveborn, as the Kilhorde had been sent by Jixtus to the southeast of the Ascendancy—and subsequently, to the north and northeast of the Hiveborn—to conquer several impoverished nations. The Paataatus, deeming the Kilhorde's operations near their borders unacceptable, destroyed the Kilhorde, freeing all nations and worlds it had conquered.

Later, Thrawn fought Jixtus at Sunrise, after the latter had killed Nakirre aboard the Kilji's Whetstone, causing Jixtus to destroy himself and his forces. Ending the plot to destroy the Chiss Ascendancy. However, other Grysk agents resumed their operations against the Chiss, led by Admiral Ar'alani, which ended catastrophically for the Grysks, as Ar'alani discovered the existence of the Grysk's homeworlds and destroyed many of their warships, as well as research facilities with the help of the Galactic Empire and Grand Admiral Thrawn's help, as Thrawn had been exiled from the Ascendancy, and joined the Empire, becoming one of its highest-ranking officers.

Thee Chiss–Grysk conflict first appeared in the 2019 novel Thrawn: Treason, the final volume in Timothy Zahn's Star Wars: Thrawn novel series.

Behind the scenes

Thee Chiss–Grysk conflict first appeared in the 2019 novel Thrawn: Treason, the final volume in Timothy Zahn's Star Wars: Thrawn novel series.
























