
In 27 ABY, Chelik's daughter attempted to assassinate her cousin Prince Isolder. As the reigning Queen Mother, Teneniel Djo, was rapidly losing influence, Isolder's daughter Tenel Ka initially assumed that this was a desperate coup attempt by Chelik, but later reflected that this was more likely the result of scheming by her ambitious sister Alyssia, who saw the families of both Ta'a Chume and Chelik as obstacles to her own ambitions.

In the event, Alyssia's schemes failed, and Tenel Ka succeeded to the throne.

Behind the scenes

  • Chelik is described in The New Jedi Order: Dark Journey, as "a legitimate heir" to the Hapan throne as of 27 ABY, and may be the unnamed daughter of Princess Secciah, mentioned in the earlier novel The Courtship of Princess Leia as the next in line after Ta'a Chume's branch of the family as of 8 ABY.
  • Tenel Ka refers in dialogue to her "Aunt Chelik", although a later scene clarifies that they are in fact first cousins once removed.



