Capture of Omega

The Advanced Science Division

In the aftermath of the Clone Wars, the fledgling Galactic Empire almost immediately sought to terminate its contracts with the cloners of Kamino, who had produced the clone army for the former Galactic Republic. Though the Empire saw the continued cloning of troopers as costly and unnecessary, the primary reason was due to Emperor Palpatine's desire to control the Kaminoan's cloning technology. After a series of failed negotiations, The Empire terminated its contracts with Kamino, and after confiscating vital cloning technology from the Kaminoans, bombarded Tipoca City until it collapsed into the sea.

Most of the captured Kaminoan technology was brought to Mount Tantiss on the planet Wayland, the headquarters of the clandestine Imperial Advanced Science Division. Under the supervision of Doctor Royce Hemlock, the Empire conducted its own experiments with cloning, but yielded little results due to lacking the expertise of the Kaminoans. In an effort to hasten progress in order to meet the Emperor's goals, Hemlock attempted to persuade Kaminoan scientist Nala Se to contribute to the Imperial cloning program. After learning from former Kaminoan Prime Minister Lama Su that Se had a soft spot for the female clone Omega, Hemlock begun a search for the young clone. Hemlock further attempted to torture information out of clone sharpshooter and commando CT-9904 'Crosshair" a former member of Clone Force 99, a group of rogue clones that Omega was known to be travelling with.

During his imprisonment on Mount Tantiss, Crosshair managed to send out a distress signal to his former squad after briefly breaking out of captivity, causing Clone Force 99 to seek out their old squad mate. After discovering that Crosshair was being detained by the Advanced Science Division, the "Bad Batch" infiltrated Wilhuff Tarkin's personal compound on Eriadu after learning that a shuttle belonging to the Advanced Science Division would be docked there. Though the rogue clones managed to stick a tracker on the shuttle, their plan went awry after an unexpected attack from Saw Gerrera and his Partisans destroyed a portion of the facility. During their efforts to escape over the facility's sky rail, Clone Force 99 would lose Tech in the process. Wounded and defeated, the rogue clones retreated back to their contact Ciddarin Scaleback's parlor on Ord Mantell. Little to the knowledge of the rogue clones, Scaleback had informed the Empire of their whereabouts in exchange for a large sum of credits.

Scaleback's Parlor

While in hiding and recovering from their failed mission, rogue clones Hunter, Wrecker, and Omega were unaware as Imperial forces arrived in Ord Mantell City to conduct the raid. Echo, who was outside the parlor guarding the renegade squad's ship, the Marauder, attempted to contact his team, but was unable to as the Imperials had jammed all comms. Soon after, a team of clone commandos of the Imperial royal guard breached Ciddarin's parlor and immediately stunned and subdued Wrecker, who had been sitting at the parlor's bar. Two commandos moved further into the establishment and briefly traded blaster fire with Hunter, who retreated into a room with Omega. After helping Omega escape through a hatch built into the floor, Hunter blasted his way out of the room, dispatching the two clone commandos breaching the door in the process.

Upon entering the main room of Ciddarin's parlor, Hunter was confronted by Doctor Hemlock and more clone commandos, who held Wrecker at gunpoint. Hemlock, who had come to personally lead the raid, handed Scaleback her payment for the information she had provided before ordering the Trandoshan to leave. Hemlock proceeded to taunt Hunter with the shattered goggles he had recovered from the deceased Tech before threatening to kill Wrecker as well, unless Hunter came quietly. Seeing no other way out, Hunter dropped his blaster before being handcuffed and escorted out of the parlor by clone commandos.

Omega captured

While escorting Hunter and Wrecker through the streets of Ord Mantell City, Hemlock and his commandos were ambushed by Omega herself, who demanded the return of her brothers. Hemlock cunningly stalled Omega, which allowed commando Scorch to drop behind the young renegade clone and stun her unconscious. Hemlock ordered half of his commandos to have Wrecker and Hunter shipped off-world to Eriadu to be personally interrogated by Wilhuff Tarkin, and to capture the remaining rogue clone Echo. As Hemlock departed with Omega and Scorch in a separate shuttle, Hunter and Wrecker were escorted to a LAAT/i gunship. Echo, who had captured and commandeered a AT-AC walker, destroyed the gunship and distracted the Imperial escort team long enough for Hunter and Wrecker to break free of their bindings. As Echo's walker was destroyed by Imperial reinforcements, the team failed to stop Hemlock's shuttle as it left, and instead retreated back to the Marauder. The ship was fired upon by clone commandos as it lifted off, damaging it and causing a trail of smoke to emerge behind it barreled past the Venator-class Star Destroyers orbiting Ord Mantell before jumping into hyperspace.


Though Clone Force 99 had narrowly escaped with their lives, Omega had been captured by Imperial forces. Though demoralized by the raid, Hunter affirmed to his remaining squad members that they would search for Omega, and would not stop until she had been found. Meanwhile, Imperial forces consolidated their hold on Ord Mantell, occupying it and bringing it until the control of the Galactic Empire.

Concurrently, Hemlock arrived back on his facility on Mount Tantiss with Omega in tow. After presenting Nala Se with the young clone, Hemlock disingenuously claimed he had found her as a gesture of goodwill for Se, and that he now expected her full cooperation. Though Se claimed that what Emperor Palpatine wished to achieve on Mount Tantiss was not possible, Hemlock demanded that the Kaminoan make it possible, and threatened that Omega would suffer the consequences for Se's failure to do so.



