Blood alarm

Blood alarms were a type of alarm system that could send a comm notification to individuals when a blood-sensitive sensor, a sensor that detected the spillage of blood, was triggered. In 32 BBY, Captain Quarsh Panaka installed a blood alarm and its sensor in Queen Padmé Amidala's apartments within the Theed Royal Palace on the Mid Rim planet Naboo.

That year, the blood-sensitive sensor was triggered when Amidala's handmaiden Saché started her period, and it sent a blood alarm notification to the captain, leading him and his wife, Mariek Panaka, to investigate. Upon entering the rooms and discovering what had happened, Saché was deeply embarrassed. Afterward, Mariek helped the handmaiden clean up and admonished Quarsh for placing a blood alarm in an apartment inhabited by teenage girls.


A blood alarm was a type of alarm system that worked in tandem with a blood-sensitive sensor, a type of sensor that detected when blood had been spilled. When the sensor was triggered, a blood alarm could send a comm notification to individuals as an alert.


A alarm was installed in Padmé Amidala's apartment within the Theed Royal Palace (pictured).

A alarm was installed in Padmé Amidala's apartment within the Theed Royal Palace (pictured).

In 32 BBY, Captain Quarsh Panaka of the Royal Naboo Security Forces acquired a blood alarm connected to a blood-sensitive sensor and installed both in Queen Padmé Amidala's apartments in the Theed Royal Palace on the Mid Rim planet Naboo as part of his security preparations. At some point, Amidala's handmaiden Eirtaé accidentally triggered the sensor after pricking her finger with a needle while sewing, which activated the alarm.

Later that year, the handmaiden Saché's period started and triggered the blood-sensitive sensor in Amidala's rooms when blood stained the queen's bedsheets. As a result, the blood alarm Panaka had installed in the apartment was triggered and sent an alert to his comm. He and his wife, officer Mariek Panaka, hurried to Amidala's apartments to determine the cause of the incident and ensure Amidala's safety. Upon loudly entering the rooms, they startled Saché in her sleep and turned on the lights. After realizing the handmaiden's period had started, Mariek sent Quarsh away and helped a mortified Saché clean up the bedroom's sheets and acquire new sleeping attire.

Afterward, Mariek assured Quarsh that Amidala was safe and admonished him for putting a blood alarm and its sensor in a room lived in by young teenage girls, some of whom were not yet using suppressant shots to manage their period cycles. The captain was embarrassed, promising to apologize later. In 22 BBY, one of Amidala's former handmaidens, Sabé, reminisced about the incident and Quarsh's horror upon realizing why his blood-sensitive sensor's alarm had been triggered.

Behind the scenes

A blood alarm first appeared in Queen's Peril, a 2020 novel written by E. K. Johnston. During the development of Queen's Peril, Johnston indicated that several members of Lucasfilm Story Group felt that the scene that a blood alarm featured in was incredibly awkward and left comments on the draft after reading it. The author felt strongly about the scene's inclusion in the work.












