Benj Dobbs

Captain Benj Dobbs was a human male who served the Galactic Empire's Starfighter Corps as a TIE Defender pilot. After the commander of the Imperial 7th Fleet's Defender Squadron One, Vult Skerris, died in 1 BBY, Dobbs replaced Skerris, gaining command of the starfighter squadron. In that year, the fleet's commander, Grand Admiral Thrawn, tasked Dobbs with capturing a dead gralloc creature while in a transfer system in the Kurost sector.

The pilot brought the creature's carcass to Thrawn's Star Destroyer Chimaera and later escorted a shuttle carrying two Grysk prisoners to the Star Destroyer. Later on, when the Chiss Ascendancy heavy cruiser Steadfast confronted two Grysk Hegemony warships, the captain and his squadron attacked the two starships, which self-destructed.

Chasing grallocs

Captain Benj Dobbs became the commander of Defender Squadron after its previous commander, Vult Skerris (pictured), perished.

Captain Benj Dobbs became the commander of Defender Squadron after its previous commander, Vult Skerris (pictured), perished.

Captain Benj Dobbs was a human who served in the Galactic Empire's Starfighter Corps as a TIE pilot in Grand Admiral Thrawn's 7th Fleet. Before leaving the Empire and Thrawn's Imperial I-class Star Destroyer Chimaera to serve the Chiss Ascendancy nation in 2 BBY, Commander Eli N. Vanto knew Dobbs. In 1 BBY, Comander Vult Skerris, the commander of Thrawn's Defender Squadron One, perished in an attack on the Outer Rim Territories planet Lothal, and he was replaced by Dobbs. In that same year, the Chimaera traveled to the Kurost transfer point in the Kurost sector to deal with the gralloc creatures that had been attacking the starships there, and Thrawn tasked Dobbs and his TIE/d "Defender" Multi-Role Starfighter squadron with capturing one of the creatures for study. As the Chimaeras sensor officer fed him a gralloc target's coordinates, the captain chased the creature, failing to capture it after two hours of attempts.

As a result, Thrawn changed his strategy, installing a bypass to feed Lieutenant Fentaugh's Defender's sixth laser cannon to lure the grallocs to the starfighter. After a group of grallocs chased after the Imperial fighter, Dobbs came up behind them and killed the group's third member, maneuvering its carcass between the forward points of one of his Defender's angled wings, bringing it to the Chimaera. Shortly after Thrawn captured two Grysks during a battle against a Grysk Hegemony warship, an Imperial shuttle brought the prisoners to the Chimaera, and Dobbs ran a full-wrap escort. While escorting the shuttle to the Imperial Star Destroyer, a cloaked Grysk starship attacked the Defender escort; however, as Dobbs moved to find the vessel, the Grysks escaped to hyperspace. The captain then jumped to hyperspace under Thrawn's directive, deactivating a nearby Grysk gravity well projector's cloaking device and revealing the projector's position.

Delta attack

Captain Benj Dobbs trusted Eli Vanto (pictured).

Captain Benj Dobbs trusted Eli Vanto (pictured).

After Thrawn located a consisting of two warships conjoined by eight umbilical cylinders, the Chimaera traveled to the base's location. Once there, Thrawn's first officer, Commodore Karyn Faro, remotely destroyed the cylinders, causing the ships to separate and creating an explosion. Dobbs reported that the explosion caused only minor damage to the conjoined ships' surface. Thrawn then plotted to destroy a Grysk task force that was attacking Imperial space, using Dobbs's Defender squadron and fellow Grand Admiral Balanhai Savit's Third Fleet.

Preparing for a battle with the task force, Thrawn asked Dobbs if he trusted Vanto, who had become a lieutenant in the Ascendancy's Chiss Defense Force and served aboard Admiral Ar'alani's Chiss heavy cruiser Steadfast, and Dobbs told the Grand Admiral that he trusted the lieutenant. While Thrawn arrested Savit on charges of treason, the Steadfast engaged the Grysk force's two warships. As the Grysks dug into the heavy cruiser's hull, Vanto summoned twelve Defenders under Dobbs's command, which fired at the rear warship.

Dobbs told Vanto that he wanted to skip , an attack on the rear warship, and move to , which involved the Defenders charging from the rear warship to the lead warship. In response, Ar'alani had Vanto bring six of the Imperial fighters back to hyperspace and send the other six to converge on the lead warship. Meanwhile, the Steadfasts tractor beam pulled a gravity well projector into the lead Grysk warship's hangar while the Defenders attacked the fighters leaving the hangar. The warship tried to destroy the fighters with its cannons; however, the shots missed, and the Grysks destroyed their own vessels. After the battle, Ar'alani instructed Vanto to arrange accommodations and refreshments for the Defenders' pilots.

Personality and traits

A male pilot, Dobbs was eager to play his part in the battle against the Grysk task force, welcoming the chance to serve with Vanto once again.

Skills and abilities

Commodore Faro believed that Dobbs and his pilots were not anywhere near Skerris's superb level of combat skill. However, the captain managed to catch a gralloc, a creature much faster and maneuverable than any fighter Faro had seen.

Behind the scenes

Benj Dobbs appeared in the 2019 novel Thrawn: Treason, the final installment in Timothy Zahn's Star Wars: Thrawn novel series. He was pictured in the Skystrike Academy Squadron Pack expansion for Fantasy Flight Games' Star Wars: X-Wing Second Edition miniatures game, which released on March 26, 2021.


  • Star Wars: X-Wing Second EditionSkystrike Academy Squadron Pack
  • Star Wars: Timelines






