Battle of Abrion Bridge

The Battle of Abrion Bridge was a battle that occurred between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems around 22 BBY during the Clone Wars. It was considered to be painful and full of bloodshed. Years later, Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi reflected on his experiences during the battle when waiting out a sandstorm on Tatooine.


Before the destruction of Rishi Station, Master Kenobi and Commander Cody recovered intel regarding a hidden Separatist weapons factory under a granary complex on Abrion Major. The factory would used build the new Mega-ion cannon for Count Dooku and General Grievous. According to Admiral Yularen, the only way was through the bridge. Kenobi volunteered for himself and the 212th battalion to lead the assault. The 212th were then joined by Commander Mekedrix, Lieutenant Oron and his company.

The Battle

Kenobi, Cody and the 212th took several gunships to Abrion Major. En route to the weapon complex, the gunships came under fire by the complex's shelling. Kenobi, Cody, Mekedrix, and their forces were able to land. The Separatist forces attempted to blow the bridge. Kenobi accompanied Airo as he carried a banner to let the republic navy see how far they could go. Kenobi and his troops were find the ion cannon plans. Mekedrix and were forces than came under attack by several IG-units and Rogue-class fighters from the Banking Clan. The 212th were trapped.

Despite the heavy casualties, Kenobi refused to leave his men on the bridge. Cody and his troops followed him. Kenobi was able to find Airo, but he died. Kenobi was then held at gunpoint by an IG unit until Mekedrix destroyed it. They then both left the bridge leaving countless casualties.


Following the battle, Mekedrix continued to serve the Republic until he disappeared after the massacre at the Temple of Eedit on Devaron. He went rogue in the Death Wind Corridor.

Behind the scenes

The Battle of Abrion Bridge was created for Obi-Wan 3.






