Baccam Grafis

General Baccam Grafis was a human who was head of Ordnance and Supply for the Alliance to Restore the Republic and served as part of Alliance High Command. In 1 BBY, he was with Senator Mon Mothma in the Great Temple on the moon Yavin 4 when she was informed that there was rebel activity on the planet Scarif.

In 0 ABY, Grafis wrote a report for Mothma on the net losses made by the Alliance fleet during a skrimish in the Recluse's Nebula. The following year, Grafis attended a meeting on the Alliance's Mako-Ta Space Docks where Mothma proposed that the rebels procure more Mon Calamari cruisers and Princess Leia Organa proposed a plan for how to achieve that.

Council Member

Baccam Grafis was selected as a member of the Rebel Council.

Baccam Grafis was selected as a member of the Rebel Council.

Baccam Grafis was a human general in the Alliance to Restore the Republic who served as the head of Ordnance and Supply on Alliance High Command. He was part of the Massassi Group based out of the Great Temple on the moon Yavin 4 and was responsible for the procurement of essential material for the Rebellion, pursuing lines of supply for starship-grade fuel and weaponry. Grafis was well known to Senator Mon Mothma of the Imperial Senate and after she resigned from the Senate and made a Declaration of Rebellion in 2 BBY, he was picked to be part of the Rebel Council that would lead the alliance.

Mothma wrote a journal entry stating that she assumed that putting the various council members in the same room would be messy based on what she knew of them. Grafis's inclusion on the council was also recorded on a classified intelligence form, with both the form and the journal entry coming to be included in the collection of documents known as The Rebel Files.


Baccam Grafis was with Mon Mothma when she learned of the rebels on Scarif.

Baccam Grafis was with Mon Mothma when she learned of the rebels on Scarif.

In 1 BBY, Graifs walked Mothma and a number of other members of Alliance High Command through the temple after the council failed to agree upon launching an attack on Imperial forces on the planet Scarif in order to obtain the plans for the Death Star superweapon. The group halted when Private Tenzigo Weems chased after them calling for Mothma.

The private then revealed to them that they had intercepted Imperial reports of rebel activity on Scarif, which had been caused by Rogue One, a group of rebels that had defied the cabinet's decision and gone to steal the plans alone. Weems also informed Mothma and the others that Admiral Raddus of the rebel fleet was already preparing to aid them. The combined rebel forces then successfully obtained the plans for the Death Star and destroyed it at the Battle of Yavin in 0 BBY.

Post Yavin

Baccam Grafis attended a meeting at the Mako-Ta Space Docks.

Baccam Grafis attended a meeting at the Mako-Ta Space Docks.

In 0 ABY, Grafis filed a report for the attention of Mothma concerning a skirmish between the Alliance and the Empire that had taken place in the Recluse's Nebula. In the report, he warned Mothma that the skirmish had been a net loss for the Alliance fleet and that the rebels would exhaust their naval resources within eighteen months, give or take three months, if they continued on their current trajectory. He then listed the losses from the skirmish and his departments accounting and associated adjustments for it. This document was also eventually added to The Rebel Files.

In 1 ABY, Grafis attended a meeting at the Mako-Ta Space Docks, held by Mothma. She proposed that the Alliance should procure more Mon Calamari Star Cruisers for their cause. There, Grafis stood next to General Pitt Onoran as they watched Princess Leia Organa convey her plan to prompt a mutiny of Mon Cala's merchant fleet. Mothma approved of this and Organa was soon successful, obtaining many cruisers for the Alliance.

Personality and traits

Grafis had light skin, blue eyes, and was balding with a large white beard by 2 BBY.


While in the Great Temple, Grafis wore a tan shirt with a tan jacket under a tactician's overcoat, which was an Alderaanian custom. His outfit also included a brown belt, tan pants, and a rank plaque with five red pips, indicate his rank of general.

Behind the scenes

Baccam Grafis first appeared in the 2016 Anthology Series film Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. The character was first identified in the accompanying reference book Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide, which was written by Pablo Hidalgo.


  • Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide
  • Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know, Updated and Expanded
  • Star Wars: The Rebel Files






