Anto Kreegyr

Anto Kreegyr was a human male who served the Separatist Alliance during the Clone Wars before going on to be a leading member of the Neo-Separatist Coalition during the reign of the Galactic Empire. Kreegyr's cell remotely worked with a network of rebels secretly led by the rebel spy Luthen Rael. By 5 BBY, Kreegyr had begun plotting an attack on the Imperial power station on Spellhaus. Rael attempted to recruit the extremist Saw Gerrera and his rebel cell, the Partisans, for the attack but Gerrera turned it down. Meanwhile, one of Kreegyr's pilots was captured by the Empire at a customs check and gave up information on the Spellhaus attack in an interrogation.

The Empire's Imperial Security Bureau planned to take Kreegyr's group by surprise and staged an accident that killed the pilot to avoid arising any suspicion from Kreegyr himself. One ISB Supervisor, Lonni Jung, warned Rael, who he was secretly a mole for, of the ISB's knowledge, but the spy chose to prioritize Jung's safety over that of Kreegyr's group. When Gerrera ended up deciding he wanted to join the Spellhaus attack, Rael warned him that the ISB knew of Kreegyr's plans, having to quell his ally's paranoia about the spy's willingness to sacrifice a whole rebel cell. Unaware of the ISB's knowledge, Kreegyr and his group made their attack the next day, and were swiftly wiped out by the Imperial trap waiting for them, none of the group surviving.

Rebel activities

During the Clone Wars, a pan-galactic war between the Galactic Republic and the Separatist Alliance that took place between 22 BBY and 19 BBY, Anto Kreegyr served with the Separatists. The war ultimately ended with the fall of the Separatists and the Republic's transition into the Galactic Empire under Emperor Sheev Palpatine. Kreegyr, however, remained a Separatist during the Empire's reign, going on to be a leading figure in a Neo-Separatist Coalition that wanted legitimacy in the eyes of the Empire's Imperial Senate. Indeed, Kreegyr got himself noticed by the Empire, with members of the Imperial Security Bureau (ISB) keeping files on him. Kreegyr's personal neo-Separatist cell strived for independence from the Empire above any other concern.

By 5 BBY, Kreegyr and his rebels were remotely affiliated with a shadowy network of rebels that they received supplies from, such as Imperial naval equipment. Kreegyr's group communicated with the network's secret leader, the rebel spy Luthen Rael, via special radios, although the Neo-Separatist had never actually met the spy, only having been unknowingly in the same room with him on one occasion. While Rael was able to successfully coordinate a heist on the remote planet Aldhani that was an embarrassing blow to the Empire, Kreegyr had begun probing the Imperial power station on the astronomical object Spellhaus, finding a weakness in the defenses. Thus Kreegyr's group, consisting of at least thirty or fifty men, began plotting to destroy the power station.

Luthen Rael attempted to recruit Saw Gerrera to join forces with Anto Kreegyr.

Luthen Rael attempted to recruit Saw Gerrera to join forces with Anto Kreegyr.

Informed of these plans, Rael was concerned that Kreegyr's rebels could not make the attack work on their own and chose to try and recruit help from his network. The rebel spy met with Saw Gerrera, the leader of the extremist rebel cell known at the Partisans, at the latter's base on the Outer Rim Territories planet Segra Milo. Rael attempted to convince Gerrera to help Kreegyr destroy the Spellhaus power station by offering stolen Imperial tech. Despite the spy's arguments for more cooperation among the rebel cells, Gerrera turned down the deal, describing Kreegyr to be a slow and stupid ox and claiming that the other rebel groups were all lost.

The ISB plot

Several days later, a pilot from Kreegyr's group was captured aboard his GPE 7000 transport, while trying to pass through an Imperial customs check on a supply run to the Ring of Kafrene trading outpost, utilizing an Imperial masking unit stolen the year before from the naval facility in Lozash. Held in a destroyer near Steergard, the pilot was interrogated by the ISB and quickly gave up what he knew on Kreegyr's plans to attack Spellhaus.

ISB Supervisor Dedra Meero was particularly keen to use this information to her advantage, hoping to track down Rael, whom she only knew as a unknown individual that she called "Axis." She and one of her attendants, Heert, brought the findings forward to ISB Major Lio Partagaz and several other supervisors and attendants at the ISB Central Office on the Imperial capital world of Coruscant. In a meeting, the ISB staff discussed how they could avoid raising Kreegyr's suspicion in order to prepare a trap for him. As Kreegyr and his group were still unaware of what had happened to the pilot, Meero proposed staging an accident aboard the captured pilot's transport in which the pilot would be found dead in the cockpit. Partagaz allowed Meero to go through with the plan and ordered two other supervisors, Lonni Jung and Lagret, to arrange him a meeting with military intelligence about Spellhaus.

Major Lio Partagaz remotely observes the situation at the Ring of Kafrene.

Major Lio Partagaz remotely observes the situation at the Ring of Kafrene.

The ISB proceeded with their plan, and the pilot was sent towards Kafrene, frozen in his cockpit due to what appeared to be a hydraulic failure upon hyperspace re-entry. Kafrene Rescue Salvage would discover and report the transport. While the transport was towed into the trading outpost, Kreegyr's rebels requested a landing bay on Kafrene, catching the Empire's attention. Watching from Coruscant, Jung suggested to Partagaz that the ISB proceed as they normally would and show interest in the known nature of the GPE 7000's arrival in order to prevent any suspicion from Kreegyr, with Partagaz agreeing.

Protecting a double-agent

Unbeknownst to the rest of the ISB, Jung was in fact a mole for Rael. The supervisor arranged a meeting with Rael and met him in the lower levels of Coruscant. There, Jung told the spy about Meero's investigations on "Axis" and revealed that the ISB knew about the planned attack on Spellhaus, hoping that with the information he had given Rael he could save Kreegyr's group and also be allowed to retire from his work with Rael's network. Rael, though, refused to let Jung leave the network, and did not intend on warning Kreegyr about the Empire's trap, as it would compromise the mole.

Corv pulls up a hologram to question Bix Caleen.

Corv pulls up a hologram to question Bix Caleen.

Meanwhile, on the Outer Rim planet Ferrix, another of Rael's contacts, the technician Bix Caleen, was being held under Imperial custody and interrogated on what she knew of the spy. Corv, Meero's other attendant, showed the prisoner a holographic image of Kreegyr and asked her if the Neo-Separatist was "Axis." The attendant was ultimately unable to link Kreegyr as his target.

Playing the long game

Rael returned to Segra Milo to meet with Gerrera, who had changed his mind and now wanted to join the Spellhaus attack. Initially trying to make excuses about lateness, the spy revealed to his ally that the ISB knew of Kreegyr's plans. A paranoid Gerrera struggled to trust Rael in that moment, questioning whether the spy viewed him as expendable as he was treating Kreegyr. Admitting he had been given a tough choice, Rael convinced the Partisan leader that his decision to let Kreegyr's group walk into a trap and die was for the greater good and that he was not himself an ISB spy.

The Imperial Security Bureau remotely observed Kreegyr's defeat at Spellhaus.

The Imperial Security Bureau remotely observed Kreegyr's defeat at Spellhaus.

The next day, Kreegyr and his rebels, still unknowing of the ISB's knowledge of their plans, began their attack Spellhaus, walking straight into an Imperial trap. All rebels were swiftly killed in the process, with the ISB watching from the Central Office. Following the engagement, Partagaz spoke remotely with Meero, who was following a lead on "Axis" at Ferrix. Meero disliked that no prisoners were taken from Kreegyr's group, but the major talked her down, saying that Kreegyr's defeat was wiping the taste of the Aldhani heist from Emperor Palpatine's mouth.

A file on the Spellhaus events was kept in the Imperial Security Bureau section of the Imperial Archives. Gerrera and the eventually formed Rebel Alliance kept their own files on Kreegyr, which notably disagreed on how many of his men died at Spellhaus. Reading the relevant files the historian wrote about the defeat of Kreegyr, commenting that the ISB had missed their opportunity to find out more about Rael's network by killing all of Kreegyr's rebels as a political statement. Kin's thoughts were included in his book The Rise and Fall of the Galactic Empire in 35 ABY.

Personality and traits

Anto Kreegyr was a human male with light skin and dark hair that only made up a beard. He was a loyal Separatist and subsequent Neo-Separatist, but was compared to an ox for his stubbornness by others like Saw Gerrera.


Kreegyr wore two a pair of jackets in layers.

Behind the scenes

Anto Kreegyr was modeled on graphic designer Barry Gingell.

Anto Kreegyr was modeled on graphic designer Barry Gingell.

Anto Kreegyr was first mentioned in "Narkina 5," the eighth episode of the first season of Tony Gilroy's live-action Disney+ series Andor. The episode was directed by Toby Haynes and released on October 26, 2022. The character later appeared in hologram in "Daughter of Ferrix," the eleventh episode of the season which was directed by Benjamin Caron and released on November 16 of that year.

Anto Kreegyr's hologram appearance was modeled on the Andor graphic designer Barry Gingell as a gift from his bosses. Gingell was dressed up by the show's costume designer and wore three layers of coats for the part, before being scanned. His image was digitally altered in post production to make him look slightly more heavyset and to reduce his eyebrows.
















