
The manufacturer ChandrilTech was based on the continent, with its headquarters located in Emita. Ananta was also home to most of the Gladean State Parks, a planet-wide system of parks funded by a tax on manufacturers. The Gladean Arboretum and Gladean Gardens Botanical Park of Chandrila were two such parks, both located within Emita. The continent was separated from Chandrila's capital, Hanna City, by the Emerald Ocean.

Chandrila's two continents were first mentioned in Into the Core Worlds, an article written by Paul Sudlow and published in the 1995 West End Games magazine Star Wars Adventure Journal 7 for use with the Star Wars Roleplaying Game. Ananta was then identified in the 2015 Star Wars Roleplaying sourcebook Strongholds of Resistance, which was published by Fantasy Flight Games as part of the Star Wars: Age of Rebellion roleplaying game.

Behind the scenes

Chandrila's two continents were first mentioned in Into the Core Worlds, an article written by Paul Sudlow and published in the 1995 West End Games magazine Star Wars Adventure Journal 7 for use with the Star Wars Roleplaying Game. Ananta was then identified in the 2015 Star Wars Roleplaying sourcebook Strongholds of Resistance, which was published by Fantasy Flight Games as part of the Star Wars: Age of Rebellion roleplaying game.

