Anakin Skywalker's Knighting Ceremony

In 22 BBY, the Jedi Order held a mass Knighting Ceremony to promote a group of senior Padawans to the rank of Jedi Knight. The Jedi's need for more Knights had been fueled by the demands of the recently-started Clone Wars, for which the Jedi had found themselves serving as commanding officers of the Galactic Republic's new clone army against the Confederacy of Independent Systems. During the ceremony, held in the training ground of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, a group including Anakin Skywalker, Olana Chion, Keer Stenwyt, Cyruss Okent, and D'urban Wen-Hurd were formally named Jedi Knights, although at least Skywalker had already been given the title beforehand. As such, he deemed the ceremony to be a waste of time.

Also present at this ceremony was Padawan Iskat Akaris, who to her surprise, was suddenly given the promotion to knighthood following the unfortunate death of her master Sember Vey during the rescue mission on Geonosis. Akaris was promoted alongside Onielle, Zeeth, Charlin Plaka, and Tualon Yaluna, all being Padawans she had grown up with.

The ceremony was overseen by Grand Master Yoda and Jedi Master Mace Windu, and attended by the new Knights' former Masters, Padawans, younglings, and members of the Jedi High Council. Senators and Republic Military officers also attended. Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine was supposed to come in person, but he was unable to attend as more than a hologram due to word of a recent bombing on the neutral planet Cato Neimoidia.

The Knighting Ceremony of Anakin Skywalker to Jedi Knight first appeared in the 2022 novel Brotherhood, written by Mike Chen.

Behind the scenes

The Knighting Ceremony of Anakin Skywalker to Jedi Knight first appeared in the 2022 novel Brotherhood, written by Mike Chen.












