Sember Vey

During their time together, the two continued Vey's work while traveling throughout the galaxy. At the outbreak of the Clone Wars, Vey and Akaris were part of the Jedi assault team that was sent to rescue Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi. During the resulting First Battle of Geonosis, Vey was killed.


In the decades prior to the Clone Wars, Vey was trained to Knighthood by Jedi Master Klefan Opus. Her interest in academic study led her to be mentored by the Order's Chief Librarian Jocasta Nu. Vey also formed a strong friendship with Feyra Akaris and at some point attained Mastery.

Taking on an Apprentice

Vey eventually took on Iskat Akaris as her Padawan.


In response to growing tensions between the Galactic Republic and newborn Confederacy of Independent Systems, the Jedi High Council began recalling its members from assignments throughout the galaxy in anticipation of hostilities. Vey and Akaris were en route from Ringo Vinda to Bar'leth when they received the order. Shortly after returning to Coruscant, they joined an assault team being sent to Geonosis to rescue Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi.

As part of a group of masters and Padawans, they were tasked with securing the towers on the edge of the Petranaki Arena, while the rest of the force infiltrated the crowd of Geonosians watching the attempted execution of Kenobi, his Padawan Anakin Skywalker and Naboo Senator Padmé Amidala.


During her lifetime as a Jedi, Vey built at least one lightsaber which produced a blue-hued blade. However, despite having established proficiency with the weapon, her preference for texts and role as an artifact hunter meant that she rarely used it.


  • Star Wars: Dawn of Rebellion: The Visual Guide






