Abyss of Ruh


The Abyss of Ruh was a vast and mysterious natural chasm, a vergence exuding the dark side of the Force, located deep within the Rift on the planet Tython. The Je'daii Order established itself on the planet, exploring such bizarre places and attempting to discover the mysteries of the world. While the Rift itself was a kilometer deep in areas, the Abyss seemed bottomless: attempts to find the bottom proved fruitless. The region was rife with dangers, including volcanoes, quicksand, and acid pits. Deep within the Abyss, exotic and rare beasts and creatures sprang forth that could only be found near the Abyss. Some Je'daii believed the Abyss was connected through underground tunnels carved by the Kwa to the Chasm many kilometers away. Entering the Abyss opened one to many dangers. The energies it exuded could disrupt mechanical sensors and aviation tech; individuals strong in the Force would be wracked with crippling hallucinations.


Discovered by the Je'daii Ranger Rian Ruh, the Abyss was named after him after he went insane after exploring it. Je'daii ranged into the Abyss, a forbidden place wrought with dangers and perilous terrain, in groups sent from Anil Kesh to capture the strange and exotic beasts that appeared in the region for experimentation and analysis. During the Great Journey of Dalien Brock under the supervision of Je'daii Temple Master, Brock ran off into the Abyss against orders, and emerged changed and dark. Upon his return to Anil Kesh among the wounded Je'daii Journeyers who went into the Abyss to rescue him, he shot and killed Journeyer Skott Yun and fled into the night.

Following the crash of the Devourer in 25,793 BBY Xesh, a Force Hound of the Infinite Empire, emerged from the wreckage and fled into the Abyss of Ruh. The surge of deaths associated with the crash alerted all Je'daii to the foreign presence on the world, as well as stirring a massive Force storm that would rage across the entire planet. Warned of the crash through a vision sent by Xesh, the Je'daii Journeyers Shae Koda, Tasha Ryo, and Sek'nos Rath traveled immediately to the Rift to investigate. When the three Journeyers met at the crash site, they searched the wreckage of the alien ship and discovered an escape pod carrying the stranger from their vision: the Force Hound Xesh. Chasing the Force Hound into the Abyss's depths, the three Je'daii experienced hallucinations brought on by the dark energies inside the volcanic and turbulent landscape. Overcoming the effects through teamwork, the trio was able to locate Xesh as he battled a saarl. Making a final stand, the trio attempted to hold off the beast but were unable to turn on the Forcesaber Koda had confiscated from Xesh. At the urging of her fellows, Koda relinquished the saber to Xesh, who ultimately killed the worm. Soon after, the Je'daii Master Quan-Jang arrived, having determined that Xesh was the cause of the storm threatening Tython, and struck him down with lightning so that he could be placed under arrest by Rangers Hawk Ryo and Rori Fenn. Quan-Jang, supported telepathically by his fellow Temple Masters, rose into the air over the Abyss and used the Force to end the Force Storm.
















