
When Admiral Ar'alani and Senior Captain Kiwu'tro'owmis (Wutroow), commander and first officer of the Chiss Expansionary Defense Fleet warship Vigilant, receive a private message from Senior Captain Mitth'raw'nuruodo (Thrawn), commander of the Chiss Expansionary Defense Fleet warship Springhawk, asking them to rendezvous at the Rapacc box system, sky-walker Ab'begh is set aside, by Supreme General Ba'kif, to be the temporary sky-walker for the Vigilant. When the Vigilant arrives, the Springhawk's sky-walker, Che'ri, is transferred to Ar'alani's ship for purposes of safety. Che'ri and Ab'begh are playing with Ab'begh's building snaps when her caregiver interrupts, telling them to do some reading. Ar'alani arrives to inform Che'ri of the Springhawk's situation. She also informs Che'ri that she will have to sleep on the Vigilant for the night and that she will have an extra bed brought in for her. Ab'begh wants Che'ri to sleep with her in her bed, but Che'ri refuses. Ab'begh then tries to get Che'ri to put her bed in her room (Ab'begh states that she sometimes gets scared at night), and Che'ri reluctantly accepts, stating that they could continue to play with the building snaps before they sleep. When Ar'alani leaves, Ab'begh's caregiver wants the girls to read for half an hour. Ab'begh attempts to share her picture book with Che'ri, but she declines.

After this mission, Ab'begh would be discharged from service to the Vigilant, but shortly returned to act as Ar'alani's sky-walker for their attack against the Nikardun at Primea and subsequent missions.


When Admiral Ar'alani and Senior Captain Kiwu'tro'owmis (Wutroow), commander and first officer of the Chiss Expansionary Defense Fleet warship Vigilant, receive a private message from Senior Captain Mitth'raw'nuruodo (Thrawn), commander of the Chiss Expansionary Defense Fleet warship Springhawk, asking them to rendezvous at the Rapacc box system, sky-walker Ab'begh is set aside, by Supreme General Ba'kif, to be the temporary sky-walker for the Vigilant. When the Vigilant arrives, the Springhawk's sky-walker, Che'ri, is transferred to Ar'alani's ship for purposes of safety. Che'ri and Ab'begh are playing with Ab'begh's building snaps when her caregiver interrupts, telling them to do some reading. Ar'alani arrives to inform Che'ri of the Springhawk's situation. She also informs Che'ri that she will have to sleep on the Vigilant for the night and that she will have an extra bed brought in for her. Ab'begh wants Che'ri to sleep with her in her bed, but Che'ri refuses. Ab'begh then tries to get Che'ri to put her bed in her room (Ab'begh states that she sometimes gets scared at night), and Che'ri reluctantly accepts, stating that they could continue to play with the building snaps before they sleep. When Ar'alani leaves, Ab'begh's caregiver wants the girls to read for half an hour. Ab'begh attempts to share her picture book with Che'ri, but she declines.

After this mission, Ab'begh would be discharged from service to the Vigilant, but shortly returned to act as Ar'alani's sky-walker for their attack against the Nikardun at Primea and subsequent missions.


















