Belassar system

The Belassar system was a star system located in the Sarla sector of the Expansion Region. Early during the Galactic Civil War, prior to the Battle of Yavin, the Galactic Empire moved to suppress Rebel Alliance activity in the system. In response, Princess Leia Organa and the Alderaanian consular ship Tantive IV, accompanied by pilot Jon "Dutch" Vander, arrived to clandestinely support the Rebels. From at least 12 ABY to 17 ABY, the Bellasar system fell within the borders of New Republic–controlled space.

The Belassar system was first mentioned in the 1998 young-readers story Star Wars Journal: Captive to Evil, written by Jude Watson.

The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed the Belassar system in grid square J-8 and expanded on Leia Organa's mission there, as first recounted in Watson's story.

Behind the scenes

The Belassar system was first mentioned in the 1998 young-readers story Star Wars Journal: Captive to Evil, written by Jude Watson.

The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed the Belassar system in grid square J-8 and expanded on Leia Organa's mission there, as first recounted in Watson's story.


  • The Essential Atlas
  • The Essential Guide to Warfare



