
Zumeg was a Talpiddian individual who served as an archivist as part of the Disciples of the Whills at the Temple of the Kyber in the Holy City on the moon Jedha around 382 BBY. In that year, there were a number of robberies of religious artifacts across the city, including the Firebird of Colsassa from the temple. After being informed by the Jedi Vildar Mac and Matthea Cathley of an object they believed to have been stolen from the temple, Zumeg and his assistant archivist Feric Oranalli led the two Jedi, as well as Captain Oklane Viss of the Guardians of the Whills, through the temple to where the sculpture was meant to be. As they made their way, Zumeg expressed their thanks to the Jedi for reporting the robberies across the city, but they were doubtful that there had been a theft from the temple due to the presence of the Guardians. Cathley then responded that Tey Sirrek, a former Guardian, had said it was from the temple, which caused Oranalli to state that Sirrek said many things. Zumeg attempted to stop their fellow archivist, but Oranalli simply responded that they both knew Sirrek was a menace, and now the Jedi did as well. In response, Zumeg stated that either way, the truth of the matter would be easily settled.

As the group continued through the temple, Zumeg explained to the Jedi what their description of the apparent stolen sculpture matched, the Firebird of Colsassa, and gave the two some information on the relic. When they arrived at where the Firebird was supposed to be, Zumeg was shocked to discover that the Firebird was actually missing. Oranalli declared the theft to be the doing of Sirrek, though the two Jedi were not convinced Sirrek was responsible, as it wouldn't make sense for him to investigate the theft of an object he had stolen, as well as bring it to the attention of the Jedi. Cathley informed the archivists and Viss that when they first met him he was investigating the death of a sister of Sarrav and seemed genuinely upset about her death. Viss then spoke, and Zumeg questioned if the captain had anything to say. Viss then replied that a blaxorn did not change its spots and that Sirrek could not resist a sob story. When Cathley challenged the captain as someone had died, Viss informed her that was the problem, people frequently did die when Sirrek was involved. Sometime later, the two archivists took Cathley and Mac to Zumeg's office to check the logs of the temple's security cameras. When Mac questioned if the cameras would have captured any unauthorized visitors into the temple, Zumeg responded yes, though as long as Oranalli could find the correct file. Whilst in the room, Sirrek arrived to check the logs but discovered a bomb had been placed outside the office. Sirrek grabbed the bomb, and Mac discovered him to be holding it and pushed it out of his hands in response. The bomb set off, and in the resulting explosion Mac used the Force to protect the two archivists from the blast. Despite Mac's attempts, Zumeg ultimately passed away in the morning.
























