
By the time of the Galactic War between the Galactic Republic and the reconstituted Sith Empire around 3641 BBY, Zosha was situated deep inside the Republic's territory. Around that year, Republic forces intercepted the Harrower-class dreadnought Scream of Ragnos, the flagship of Sith Lord Javis Koldor, and its escort starships while the former was rallying Imperial vessels for a major attack against the Republic. In order to prevent the Scream of Ragnos from returning to Imperial-controlled space and destroy the starship, Republic forces engaged the ships of the Sith Empire in a battle above Zosha.

Zosha was introduced in Star Wars: The Old Republic, a 2011 video game developed by BioWare. The StarWars.com Online Companion to the 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed the Zosha system, and therefore the planet, in grid square F-6. Zosha's in-game model was also used to depict the Unknown Regions planet Vondoru, the Outer Rim Territories planet Makem Te, and the Core Worlds planet Sarapin Four. Similarly, the model was later re-used for the Outer Rim planet Hypori and the Mid Rim planet Lorta in Space Combat missions added to The Old Republic in the 2012 Update 1.6.

Behind the scenes

Zosha was introduced in Star Wars: The Old Republic, a 2011 video game developed by BioWare. The StarWars.com Online Companion to the 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed the Zosha system, and therefore the planet, in grid square F-6. Zosha's in-game model was also used to depict the Unknown Regions planet Vondoru, the Outer Rim Territories planet Makem Te, and the Core Worlds planet Sarapin Four. Similarly, the model was later re-used for the Outer Rim planet Hypori and the Mid Rim planet Lorta in Space Combat missions added to The Old Republic in the 2012 Update 1.6.



