Zakuulan government

Upon being formed, the Zakuulan officials moved to release the former Republic soldier Felix Iresso to the Eternal Alliance, who was captured and tortured on a remote Eternal Empire planet to extract a Sith holocron embedded in his mind. During the release process, the Alliance described the behavior of the Zakuulan liaison as being cagey after being asked why it took so long to free him.

In 3628 BBY, after the Eternal Alliance mission to Nathema, the newly elected Consul of the Zakuulan government, Axion, contacted the Alliance Commander. The Consul condemned Vinn Atrius' actions at Nathema, and assured the Commander that his actions didn't represent the Zakuulan government, but also confessed that many Zakuulans felt the same desperation and resentment that Atrius had towards the Alliance. Based on the Zakuulans' unrest he announced to the Commander that Zakuul would be renouncing its status as a member of the Eternal Alliance and would become an independent world. The Consul also suspected that they would renounce any holdings it had to the colonies it had established under the Eternal Empire, and instead would entertain new alliances. He reaffirmed to the Commander that he would still be a respected guest on Zakuul and hoped to maintain a trade relationship with the Alliance.

Later that year, according to Lana Beniko in Alliance Intelligence Summary 495-22, Zakuul's efforts to establish diplomatic ties with the Core Worlds proved unsuccessful, and the only trading partner they could find was a group of corporations. Beniko's personal suspicion was that these corporations were fronts for the criminal syndicate Exchange, though agents of Alliance Intelligence were still working on confirming it.


Upon being formed, the Zakuulan officials moved to release the former Republic soldier Felix Iresso to the Eternal Alliance, who was captured and tortured on a remote Eternal Empire planet to extract a Sith holocron embedded in his mind. During the release process, the Alliance described the behavior of the Zakuulan liaison as being cagey after being asked why it took so long to free him.



In 3628 BBY, after the Eternal Alliance mission to Nathema, the newly elected Consul of the Zakuulan government, Axion, contacted the Alliance Commander. The Consul condemned Vinn Atrius' actions at Nathema, and assured the Commander that his actions didn't represent the Zakuulan government, but also confessed that many Zakuulans felt the same desperation and resentment that Atrius had towards the Alliance. Based on the Zakuulans' unrest he announced to the Commander that Zakuul would be renouncing its status as a member of the Eternal Alliance and would become an independent world. The Consul also suspected that they would renounce any holdings it had to the colonies it had established under the Eternal Empire, and instead would entertain new alliances. He reaffirmed to the Commander that he would still be a respected guest on Zakuul and hoped to maintain a trade relationship with the Alliance.

Later that year, according to Lana Beniko in Alliance Intelligence Summary 495-22, Zakuul's efforts to establish diplomatic ties with the Core Worlds proved unsuccessful, and the only trading partner they could find was a group of corporations. Beniko's personal suspicion was that these corporations were fronts for the criminal syndicate Exchange, though agents of Alliance Intelligence were still working on confirming it.






