
The frigate launched an attack on a loyalist research station in a failed attempt to disrupt and take over the Vorknkx Project. The target was the CR90 corvette Vorknkx, which was testing a cloaking device Zaarin desperately wanted to get his hands on. The Borus launched advanced TIE/LN starfighters, TIE/IN interceptors, and TIE/sa bombers, several of which were shielded. They proceeded to attack the Vorknkx and SCT Scout Craft Sentry 1 and 2, who were laying mines. Unfortunately for Zaarin, Maarek Stele attacked the Borus with a Missile Boat, destroying the starship and repelling the enemy attack on the Vorknkx Project.

In the game TIE Fighter, the frigate is called Z-Borus to remind the player that the ship is under the command of Zaarin.

Behind the scenes

In the game TIE Fighter, the frigate is called Z-Borus to remind the player that the ship is under the command of Zaarin.



