Yuka Laka

Yuka Laka was a Ithorian male who was a droid dealer in the Anchorhead settlement on Tatooine, during the Jedi Civil War.


Laka dealt in selling droid upgrades as well as swoop parts. He then purchased HK-47 from a friend from an off-world warehouse who was in debt, claiming 'no-one would miss it'. He believed it was a protocol droid, unaware of his true nature as an assassin droid. Using whatever qualifications he could identify from the droid, he tried to sell it to two moisture farmers, but it just stood still and made them lose interest in it. He then later sold the droid to an amnesiac Revan, who was unaware at the time that he was HK-47's creator and original master.


Yuka Laka was a greedy merchant, and according to HK-47, a poor mechanic. A Duros conservationist visiting Tatooine said he would call rust gold to make a sale. The assassin droid also described him as a weak coward; in fact, HK-47 showed no respect for Yuka Laka, even when he was his master. However, Yuka Laka actually did not respect him either, calling him a stubborn thing prior to purchase, as well as calling him a 'worn out' droid. He also refused to answer any qualities about HK after Revan purchased the droid, claiming that any problems encountered were Revan's, not his.

Behind the scenes

Yuka Laka first offers HK-47 to Revan for 5,000 credits. However, Laka immediately drops this price to 4,000 credits the moment Revan objects, claiming "Some people will bite straight away". Revan can then have the option to use either Force Persuade or use normal persuasion abilities to make Laka drop the price to 3,000 or 2,500 credits. If the player takes the dark side option, he can threaten Laka, at which point he will drop the price to 2,500 credits, the lowest price. If the player takes the dark side path, he will be unable to shop again at Laka's store. It should also be noted that, if the player tries to buy HK-47 while on the dark side, the only options are to drop the price and to say they are not interested, thus preventing the player from buying HK-47 until they return to the light side of the force.


  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia



