Young advisory council

When forming a government on the planet Melida/Daan in 44 BBY, the Young—the ruling faction—created an advisory council as a legislative body. The council consisted of ten members, led by Cerasi, in addition to the governor, Nield. Initially, the council was successful, but infighting soon broke out over policies, and as a result, its power weakened significantly. After a standoff resulted in the death of Cerasi, it fragmented completely.


The council was formed on Melida/Daan (pictured) by the Young.

The council was formed on Melida/Daan (pictured) by the Young.

For centuries, the two native tribes of the planet Melida/Daan, the Melida and Daan, had been at war with each other. In 44 BBY, the Young—a faction consisting of children from both tribes—ended the war when they started a new war against the Melida and Daan, who joined forces under the name of the Elders. After winning the war, the Young formed a government consisting of a ten-person council of advisors—members of which were elected for one year—headed by Cerasi and a temporary governor, Nield, who also had voting privileges on the council.

Meeting in the Melida/Daan Unified Congress Building, one of the council's first actions was to form squads to deal with the many issues that the war-torn planet faced, including the Security Squad led by Obi-Wan Kenobi—who had left the Jedi Order a few weeks earlier to join the Young—and the New History Squad, led by Nield. The council also banned anyone from carrying weapons except for members of the Security Squad. Soon after, Nield proposed the destruction of the Halls of Evidence, mausoleums built by both the Melida and Daan to honor their dead, and which members of both tribes visited frequently to feed their anger at the other tribe. He said that the action was necessary to ensure peace because the perpetual conflict on the planet was caused by hate, which in turn was partially caused by the Elders' constant visits to the Halls. After a short discussion and some arguing over whether the task should take priority over other things, such as restoring power and rebuilding houses, the motion was finally met with unanimous approval.


Cerasi, council head

Cerasi, council head

Later, Cerasi and Kenobi discussed the destruction of the Halls, and though Cerasi was reluctant to oppose Nield, the two decided that the Halls needed to remain to preserve their records for historical purposes. They then confronted Nield as he and his squad had begun destroying another Hall of Evidence, and convinced him to hold off for the time being. When the matter came to the full council for a formal vote, the votes were initially five for the stop action and five against. Kenobi, the last to vote, voted for the action, passing it six to five. Nield immediately tried to overthrow Kenobi and remove him from the council, since he was not native to the planet, but Cerasi stopped him and ended the meeting.

Nield then turned to the audience, working them into a frenzy, and the council, as well as the unity the Young had once enjoyed, quickly began to splinter. Soon, Nield started collaborating with Mawat—another council member and the leader of the Scavenger Young, a group of children who lived in the country regions of the planet—to try to gain enough votes to overthrow the whole council. Nield eventually convinced Mawat to help him demolish another Hall, despite the council's order against it. Mawat, however, had secretly armed both the Young and the Elders, the latter of whom had showed up to protest, and placed snipers on the roof. One of the snipers fired during the standoff, resulting in Cerasi's death. With Cerasi dead, the council fully disintegrated. After a last battle shortly thereafter, the Young, with the help of Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn, negotiated a peace agreement with the Elders.

Behind the scenes

The council appeared in Jedi Apprentice: The Uncertain Path, written by Jude Watson and published 2000.


  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, Vol. I



