Yoda – The Jedi Master

Plot summary

On Dagobah, Luke Skywalker tells Yoda that he is looking for someone. Yoda responds by pointing out that he has found someone before giggling. Skywalker grumbles and takes offense when Yoda helps himself to one of his rations. Yoda proceeds to dig through his canteen before picking a fight over a torch with R2-D2. Skywalker tells the astromech droid to let Yoda have it.

Yoda says he can stay and help Skywalker find his friend. Skywalker tells Yoda he is seeking a Jedi Master, which piques Yoda's interest. Yoda responds that Skywalker seeks Yoda. When Skywalker asks if Yoda knows him, Yoda experiences flashbacks to his duel with Darth Sidious in the Galactic Senate, leading Clone troopers from an LAAT/i gunship on Geonosis, sitting on the Jedi Council, fighting with Count Dooku, and escaping the Great Jedi Purge on Kashyyyk. Returning to the present, Yoda tells an impatient Skywalker that he will take him to Yoda but that they must eat first.







