
Yashia was a Human female Imperial soldier who served under the resurgent Sith Empire during the Cold War. In 3643 BBY, she was stationed on Korriban, guarding the entrance to the Tomb of Naga Sadow. She asked an acolyte to recover the body of another fallen acolyte, the son of Dark Honor Guard, Naman Fal. The fallen acolyte was recovered and Naman Fal was informed about his fallen son while he stood guard at the Dark Council chambers.


Yashia was a good-natured and empathetic Imperial soldier who occasionally held conversations with the Sith Acolytes of the Korriban academy coming across the Tomb of Naga Sadow.

Yashia seemed to pity the fallen acolyte, therefore having cared a lot about his fate. The idea of his body rotting away in the tomb seemed to displease her quite a lot. Therefore, Yashia had reached out politely towards another acolyte and persuaded this one through claiming the acolyte would gain prestige as reward.

She was very dutiful and well-versed in the rules of Korriban, such as not being allowed to step into the sacred grounds

Behind the scenes

Sentry Yashia serves as a quest-giver on Korriban for "Grave Robbing" in the game Star Wars: The Old Republic. If the player has completed their respective class missions, Yashia will refer to them as "my lord" rather than "acolyte" and will not compare Naman Fal's son to them. If the player is male, they have the option to flirt with her.


  • Star Wars: The Old Republic Explorer's Guide



