Y-85 Titan dropship


The Y-85 Titan dropship was designed by Incom Corporation and used by the Galactic Empire's military. Its role was to deploy walkerslegged armored cavalry vehicles—onto planetary surfaces. The Titan was shaped like an irregular hexahedron, with a cockpit module on the top of its front half, and a floor hatch through which the embarked walkers were unloaded.

The Titan could accommodate not only four All Terrain Armored Transports (AT-ATs), stowed battle-ready with troops and equipment aboard, but also four All Terrain Scout Transports (AT-STs) in rotating racks. It boasted massive repulsor units and two forward-facing twin laser cannons, one on each side of the dropship's bow. In keeping with the Empire's preference for muted tones, the Titan's hull was a plain gray in color.


During the Battle of Hoth, General Veers employed the more agile Gozanti-class cruiser rather than Titan dropships.

During the Battle of Hoth, General Veers employed the more agile Gozanti-class cruiser rather than Titan dropships.

Titan dropships saw use during the Galactic Civil War, which pitted the Galactic Empire against the Alliance to Restore the Republic. However, only the largest Imperial warships—such as the Executor-class Star Dreadnoughts—had hangars spacious enough to accommodate them. Notably, the Executor, flagship of the Dark Lord Darth Vader, carried several Titans. Smaller vessels, such as the Imperial-class Star Destroyers, deployed single-walker barges.

At the Battle of Hoth in 3 ABY, Imperial General Maximilian Veers decided against using Titans to deploy his walker contingent on the Moorsh Moraine, outside the perimeter of the Alliance base's deflector shield. Wary that enemy starfighters would swarm the dropships before they had a chance to reach their landing zone, Veers instead opted for several Gozanti-class Assault Carriers, which had a capacity of only two AT-ATs each but were more agile.

Behind the scenes

The Y-85 Titan dropship made its debut in the new Star Wars canon in the 2016 reference book Star Wars: Complete Locations, an updated version of a 2005 Star Wars Legends book of the same name. The Titan originated in the 2004 Legends book Inside the Worlds of Star Wars Trilogy, which was written by James Luceno.

While Inside the Worlds implied that Titans were used in the Battle of Hoth, the canon version of Complete Locations assigned this role to Gozanti-class cruisers, in keeping with what is described in Alexander Freed's 2015 novel, Battlefront: Twilight Company.

