Xat Hracken


Xat Hracken was a Force-sensitive Human male who lived during the Great Galactic War and the resultant period of political unrest. It was during that time Hracken became allied with the Sith Empire and eventually became both a Master and Lord of the Sith. His service to the Empire was given as a combat instructor, one stationed at the Sith academy on the snow-blanketed world of Odacer-Faustin. The war effort against the Galactic Republic was ended in 3653 BBY with the signing of the Treaty of Coruscant, at which point the Imperial war machine chose to accelerate its output of Sith warriors and leaders, rather than decrease it. Master Hracken retained his decades-long position as combat instructor of the Odacer-Faustin Sith academy, and a measure of his skill was imparted to the enrolled learners.

Hracken survived the initial outbreak caused by Scabrous' experiment and saved Ra'at and his fellow students Hartwig, Maggs, and Kindra by blasting their attackers with Force lightning. He killed an infected Ra'at shortly after the student turned by incinerating him with Force lightning.

The surviving four Sith confronted each other over if any of them were infected. They all stripped to examine each other for infection. However, unbeknownst to all, Hracken, during the previous fight, had bitten his lip open while straining to maintain his Force lightning, and as a result, spraying infected blood got into his wound. He succumbed to the infection and killed Hartwig before being slain by Kindra.

Personality and traits

Hracken had a build that was more similar to that of an Aqualish than that of a Human, with a bulky stature, broad shoulders and a bald head. He had an olive-colored face, and perpetually exhibited a scowling expression. He was intrigued by the ambition that Ra'at displayed.

Powers and abilities

Aside from his many other combat skills, Hracken possessed an unbelievable mastery over Force lightning, a talent used to decimate hordes of zombies, the power of which resulted in a fantastic and deafening explosion.

Behind the scenes

Author Joe Schreiber created Xat Hracken for the 2010 Red Harvest horror novel, the prequel to Death Troopers, also penned by Schreiber. Red Harvest is Hracken's first and only appearance to date.






